New Grower Vigorous germination


El Colibri
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Must be a positive response to the last few days of solar events (in my own mind). I soaked two seeds in distilled water for 24 hours. And then paper toweled them. After another 20 hours, I was surprised to see the taproots so long and both seeds open and ready to do their business. The Northern Lights' was already breaking out and I was concerned about its survival. Within less than 16 hours of planting its was out at least 3/4 inch with the shell husk attached. Within the next 6 hours one embryonic leaf appeared. Within 36 hours of planting it was an inch or more with first leaves and shell still attached to the other embryonic leaf. I tapped it and it fell off. Must be a response to the "northern lights" in our hemisphere (I like to think)--far from me though. Lastly, the other seed popped with a helmet on within 24 hours and grew out of it.

I have had the seed shell attach several times. This time I planted seeds at the proper depth. Light warrior soil does not have enough resistance to force shell off. I suggest just letting it come off by itself or until you can tap it off.