Very poor seedling growth, am i screwed!



The three automazaers i have goin have been taking there god damn time to get up and get in gear, i know nature takes its own course and cant be rushed but ive grown once before and it was 5 times more agressive growth rate than this. albeit that they were a photo strain, norther lights!! My issue is i checked on my baby's this morn and found that in the last 24 hrs pretty much nothing has changed. Two of the three still have there seed casing on and the other has not, the one without has this one white ball on top with what looks like a healthy leave on one side about to split and show itself, and on the other it seems like there is the remainder of a leave, looks burned or dry or something. They are under less than 40 w of cfl, blue i think! and have been with water and light as needed. I know i have a bad soil mix, wich is actually soiless as i found out, and just some vermiculite mixed in. I am by no means a MJ grower expert but i have been around plants and greenhouses a long time and know the basics and from day 2 i kinda got a feeling that these seeds were gona be trouble. Reinforced by the fact that one seed in the pack of three germinated broke and broke the soil in the time it took two of the seeds just to crack, the shop i bought them from i am not sure of how much traffic there is in there seeds fridge. but i have bought from them a while back with great success. As of now i have spayed the seedling lightly to add moisture to the protruding stem/shell, but it is the first time i have done this so im juggling between bad seed and my own error for not misting them??? any help welcomed and all critizizm duely noted. thanks in advance:confused:
2 one 20 w one 15w i know its poor buy i am also . i fugured this would suffice till maybe monday tuesday till i get a big cfl maybe 250w red? i can just add more of theses 20w for blue light
i might be paranoid, and it aint from smoking cuz i aiint got none lol. but it just aint the type of growth id like to see you know, and have seen in the past. dam shit i left on the window sill before did beter than i have done with this
dozen hours or so pass and i happy to say that my seedling are looking a lot happier, had to remove kind of film wich was still over each seedling by hand, basilly fell of the minute i touched them, and low and behold nice green leave unfolded if even just the slightest in front of me, i am officailly a happy farmer :dance:
That's cool man,
"patience my young paduan learner".
Some days I feel like my plants are standing still (particularly when I'm out of dope) and then before you know it they're stretching like mad and pistils are appearing.
dozen hours or so pass and i happy to say that my seedling are looking a lot happier, had to remove kind of film wich was still over each seedling by hand, basilly fell of the minute i touched them, and low and behold nice green leave unfolded if even just the slightest in front of me, i am officailly a happy farmer :dance:
keep em misted like your doing should be fine in my opinion seedling dont like hot(fertilized)soil so id just keep em there untill you transplant id transplant a little eairler if theres no soil in your growing medium,..............throw a small fan in there too.....................lookin good brody!! keep up the work