Indoor Venting condensation/ heat from closet

Jul 27, 2011
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Whats shakken"
My grow is in a 2Dx 4Wx 8H closet that's covered in reflective foil & has a tent zipper front with a faulse wall covering everything.

I am running a Hydrofarm 4' T5 8 bulb light with 2 fans blowing non stop across the flants

I decided to grow in 3.5 gallon planters with FFOF & petrolite

All is growing well & looks fine but my temp is hitting the 8o's & super high humidity to the point of serious water/condensation building up.

I still plan to run a carbon filter but wonder if I need to vent through the attic
So other than the fans blowing on the plants, you have no other ventilation in the area? What are the ambient conditions like outside your grow area?
Correct, The grow is in the closet of an interior room withouth A/C & keeps an average temp of 78-80 degrees during the summer months with humidity in the 50's
When closed up the closet would heat up well over 100 I'm sure so have resorted to opening the doors & running a big box fan just to keep the grow in the 80's and mid 50's humidity. This is working great & the Girls are growing like weeds but I have given up all the stealth I have built into this room.

The condensation was because the first total saturation of the soil & high heat hut this all has stabalized
can you install a bathroom exhaust fan in the ceiling?
also a few 2 inch diameter holes down at where the
wall meets the floor to let fresh air in.
then mount the fans on the wall inside the closet
and you should be able to shut the door.
getting your stealth back.

you can cover the holes you make with
a piece of baseboard molding if you keep them low enough
maybe run your t5 with a couple less bulbs
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You're growing with an ambient temp around 80, with no AC. I have lot's of ventilation... I mean a whole lot, and the temp in my grow area runs about 7-10 degrees above the ambient temperature outside my grow area. Fortunately, it is getting cooler, which makes things easier. If you plan to shut the doors, you'll need a good bit more cfm than the normal 20% of cuft. If there is any way to duct in some A/C, that will help a whole lot. Your situation may dictate that you keep the door open (as mine does) in order to keep temps in range.