New Grower Vast and Fast Nutrients Recommendations Please

Jul 21, 2014
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I'm about to start a new grow and need some advice.
I did a previous Vast and Fast Fem-AF grow using General Hydroponics nutrients.
I did get a decent outcome but I don't really like GH products.
I really want to find a great formula for this grow.

As per research I have been starting plants in the pot they will live in and not topping them.
I grow in soil-less mix. I like the idea of organic nutrients but I did try Neptunes with a photo grow and landed up with a infestation that took weeks to take care of.
I have a 4x4 tent with 400watt and supplemental lights with CFL's

I'm thinking skip the veg nuts and start with a flowering formula at the start or a week after second set of leafs appear. Humm?

Whats your secrete or advice?
Thanks in advance
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hi bro, I used to use Biobizz products, which are good, but wanted to try something different,. So, I now am trying Growing Edge Technologies Lets Grow A & Lets Grow B, Lets Bloom A & Lets Bloom B.its got calcium and magnesium in it aswell which is cool for my leds. Grew a Fruit Auto and pulled 6 Oz dry in 66 days from seed to finish, I did have a stonking 1500w output led above it tho. But the feed seems to be really good and easy to use, 4ml per l of grow all the way through and 3ml of bloom.
The only drag is having to use two bottles every feed, A + B.
The aroma formula by the same company is meant to better than this feed so I might be venturing onto that soon.
Main thing is you cant overdo it with the Lets Grow, bloom range, tis why im gonna stick with it, my plants leaves were loveley and lush green all the way through. During flowering I had no ph problems, but I did use soil which is loads easier than hydro.
I use cheap ionic feed at half strength and increase as time goes on.

What would be the point feeding bloom feeds during veg period if there are no flowers to feed?
I would avoid doing that as I can't think of any positive affects of doing that
Thanks for the reply :)

What would be the point feeding bloom feeds during veg period if there are no flowers to feed?
I would avoid doing that as I can't think of any positive affects of doing that

I thought the same thing, but after much research the ideas I see is that the soil less mixes provide 2 weeks plus worth of nutrients. 2 Weeks is the most a 60 to 90 day plant needs through veg stage.

Iv had good luck feeding half of recommendations on bottles but I want to try other ideas..

I don't really know thats why I'm here. The seeds are in the pots so I have about a week to make my decision.
It really depends on the type of soil/mix that you use. Generally I don't feed seedlings for tHe fist 2-3 weeks and start at half strength. I still don't see any point of feeding flower nutrients during veg as you are giving the plants things that it simply doesn't need and an imbalance of what it does need
Thanks Nab.
My last auto grow went okay using half the recommendations of the manufacturers. So I'm just going to continue with that and maybe add some molasses later.
I have read some recipes around the web and was hoping to find more of a custom feeding.
I guess I want to broaden my horizons