Old Reviews Vaping dabs (rosin tech)


one with nature
Apr 3, 2015
Reaction score
Hello green brothers and sisters around the world, help a friendly stoner out. I don`t smoke - i vape (use Volcano) but now i have access to dabs and to be really honest i am not sure the Volcano would be the smartest way to use dabs.

If anyone has any suggestions which systems/rigs to use, which dont combust dabs then please let me know.

Much love and thank you for the effort :pass:
You can vaporise dabs on a nail at low temp they only burn at higher temps. An e nail and an oil rig are great for big tasty rips and probably the best way to go. A concentrate pen which can be had for less than £100 quid is an option or the Vape Exhale is meant to be good for dabs. I put shatter and rosin in my Firefly 2 expensive but incredibly efficient and tasty. Other vapes can do oil and herb too. The Pax 3 or the crafty to name two
More. So lots options most people really don't combust dabs anyway. Have fun
Or as Archie had proved you can put dabs in most vapes as long as herb or concentrate pads soak it up as it can do damage in the wrong place
thank you so much for chiming in :) Yeah, i knew i can use volcano with liquid pads but i had doubts about those "nail rigs" - the culture has not arrived here yet, like in US :) Concentrates are such a new market here, nobody knows what toys to use :D I feel so ancient, LOL :vibe:
Get the Puffco plus or a rig without enail . I do love my firefly for dabs. An enail and rig is great if you make your own dabble hash! Vapefeind sell affordable dabbing gear in the UK among others
Recently i came across the same situation @forestly , in that i had excess buds kicking around and wanted to reduce them, so i made them into shatter/wax just to reduce what i had kicking around and so i could get some jars back.

After looking around and researching, my conclusion came down to actually picking up a box mod for e cigarettes but then using a specific attachment for doing wax as i wanted a small setup and the standard dab pens like the puffco mentioned above i didn't like how they were pretty much disposable, and no adjustability to them, or were priced high for what you got.

But here's a pic of my eLeaf nano with a Yocan Cerum attachment next to a standard clipper lighter, Total cost for this was around $40

I received it last friday and can say it works pretty damn good, So much so i'll probably pick up a rebuildable attachment if i continue using it, such as the Divine Tribe v3 which is what led me to this in the first place, but i picked up the cerum for $11 while getting the eLeaf Nano at the same time off fasttech just to try out for cheap in case it wasnt my thing, but now i've already placed an order for the donut coils for the cerum just to see how they compare to traditional coils, and they should last me quite awhile till i decide to switch to a better attachment.

It was definitely worth the purchase, and its literally one hit your done, well for me anyways.

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Thank you! very interesting, i will research that ;)