Hi! I`ve been reading the forum for a while but this is my first post. It`s my first grow, running 2 Black Cream and 1 Dark Devil and at the last 3 weeks the plants have shown different signals of nutrient defficiency and nut burn, I think. I`ve tried to deal with the problems but as the time passed the things went worse, so here I am asking for some good advice from you, to save my plants! By the way, I must say I`m very glad about this amazing forum! It provided me lots of information and the most important tips for growing these fascinating plants. Congrats for the team and all the members that make this happen! Unfortunatelly, I had no time to make journal but when I harvest, I`ll write a review and give my contribution.
Problem: Leaf tips turned down, numerous small white spots at few bud leaves, big white spots at fan leaf at week 5 in Dark Devil. Purple fan leaves at week 5 in Black Cream. The plants are at week 8 now and the problems got worse.
Medium: Coco.
Feed: I`m using nuts for Orquids. I use these on my orquids for years and didn`t want spend more money with nuts. Both veg and flowering have all macro and micro nutrients and I trust them a lot. Watering is ok, I just water every 2-3 days and let them dry out a bit. More information at Additional Info.
Strain: 1 Dark Devil (Week 8) and 2 Black Cream (Weeks 8 and 7)
Climate: Temps: 28C Day and 25C Night. Humidity: 50%. Light: LED.
Additional info: During vegetation I`ve feeded the plants 3 times with 1/8, 1/5 and 1/4 at weeks 2, 3, 4. At week 4 I also introduced the flowering nuts at 1/8 strength. At week 5 the plants were flowering great but leaf tips turned down a little bit and the first small white spots showed up in a few bud leaves in Dark Devil. Two days later, big spots appeared in a fan leaf of DD and a fan leaf of Black Cream 1 started to show purplish tones (probably due to phosphorous defficiency?). Util this point I hadn`t a pH meter, so I bought it. I realized that the soil pH was too low, about 5,2. So I flushed and gave a 1/4 flowering nut. At week 6, different small spots, with orange borders, appeared at Dark Devil fan leaves (calcium def?). So, at the end of week 6, I feeded with a full flowering strength (5mL/L) and Calcium 1 mL/L. I did it by mistake, just wanted to give it a 1/2 nut, but I decided wait and see what happen. And... the leaf tips started to yellow at week 7. Than, at the end of week 7 I flushed again and used the method described here at the infirmry to calculate the soil pH. It was low again, pH 5,2. I realized that at the first time I didn`t flushed it enough. But at this time I did it correctly and calculated pH 6,6. A little high but I was happy with it. The run off EC was 5900. I feeded again with 1/8 flower and Calcium 1mL/L. But now, in the middle of week eight, the plant got worse, the tips of sugar leaves became more yellow in Dark Devil and the fan leaves became purple. And at Black Cream the fan leaves became more purple and yellow. I know harvesting time is comming but these leaf problems are clearly due to defficiency for me. The buds are looking amazing and growing every day and I want to keep good conditions until the end.
These strains produced quite dwarf plants. Obviously my lack of experience didn`t help but the bad genetics are clear. On the other hand, these buds are freaking awsome!!! The colors, the resin production and the smell are amazing. For sure I`m gonna get the best weed i`ve ever smoked, but with very low yelds. I`ve seen a description that Dark Devil was just an stunted bud and it was right.
I`m growing 1 Dark Devil and 1 Black Cream at the same age, and 1 Black Cream 1 week younger. I was lucky because the younger Black Cream has the best pheno of the three plants and is growing very healthy until now. This lapse of 1 week between them was enough to learn with the mistakes I made with the first two and give better conditions to the the third one. It`s genetics was better since the beggining and the better treatment produced a taller and stronger plant. This third plant is now my only chance to get a reasonable yeld so I`d like to understand what tha fuck is going on with the first 2 and get fat buds from the third!
Pictures below. The pictures inside the growbox were taken today.
The Black Cream 2 is beggining to show leaf tips turn down. Advices please!
Problem: Leaf tips turned down, numerous small white spots at few bud leaves, big white spots at fan leaf at week 5 in Dark Devil. Purple fan leaves at week 5 in Black Cream. The plants are at week 8 now and the problems got worse.
Medium: Coco.
Feed: I`m using nuts for Orquids. I use these on my orquids for years and didn`t want spend more money with nuts. Both veg and flowering have all macro and micro nutrients and I trust them a lot. Watering is ok, I just water every 2-3 days and let them dry out a bit. More information at Additional Info.
Strain: 1 Dark Devil (Week 8) and 2 Black Cream (Weeks 8 and 7)
Climate: Temps: 28C Day and 25C Night. Humidity: 50%. Light: LED.
Additional info: During vegetation I`ve feeded the plants 3 times with 1/8, 1/5 and 1/4 at weeks 2, 3, 4. At week 4 I also introduced the flowering nuts at 1/8 strength. At week 5 the plants were flowering great but leaf tips turned down a little bit and the first small white spots showed up in a few bud leaves in Dark Devil. Two days later, big spots appeared in a fan leaf of DD and a fan leaf of Black Cream 1 started to show purplish tones (probably due to phosphorous defficiency?). Util this point I hadn`t a pH meter, so I bought it. I realized that the soil pH was too low, about 5,2. So I flushed and gave a 1/4 flowering nut. At week 6, different small spots, with orange borders, appeared at Dark Devil fan leaves (calcium def?). So, at the end of week 6, I feeded with a full flowering strength (5mL/L) and Calcium 1 mL/L. I did it by mistake, just wanted to give it a 1/2 nut, but I decided wait and see what happen. And... the leaf tips started to yellow at week 7. Than, at the end of week 7 I flushed again and used the method described here at the infirmry to calculate the soil pH. It was low again, pH 5,2. I realized that at the first time I didn`t flushed it enough. But at this time I did it correctly and calculated pH 6,6. A little high but I was happy with it. The run off EC was 5900. I feeded again with 1/8 flower and Calcium 1mL/L. But now, in the middle of week eight, the plant got worse, the tips of sugar leaves became more yellow in Dark Devil and the fan leaves became purple. And at Black Cream the fan leaves became more purple and yellow. I know harvesting time is comming but these leaf problems are clearly due to defficiency for me. The buds are looking amazing and growing every day and I want to keep good conditions until the end.
These strains produced quite dwarf plants. Obviously my lack of experience didn`t help but the bad genetics are clear. On the other hand, these buds are freaking awsome!!! The colors, the resin production and the smell are amazing. For sure I`m gonna get the best weed i`ve ever smoked, but with very low yelds. I`ve seen a description that Dark Devil was just an stunted bud and it was right.
I`m growing 1 Dark Devil and 1 Black Cream at the same age, and 1 Black Cream 1 week younger. I was lucky because the younger Black Cream has the best pheno of the three plants and is growing very healthy until now. This lapse of 1 week between them was enough to learn with the mistakes I made with the first two and give better conditions to the the third one. It`s genetics was better since the beggining and the better treatment produced a taller and stronger plant. This third plant is now my only chance to get a reasonable yeld so I`d like to understand what tha fuck is going on with the first 2 and get fat buds from the third!
Pictures below. The pictures inside the growbox were taken today.
The Black Cream 2 is beggining to show leaf tips turn down. Advices please!
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