Twisted leaves. Overwater?

Nov 30, 2019
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Your Equipment:
.1) 1000 watt equivalent blurple and homemade 10 100 watt equivalent LED bulbs and 2 CFLs.
.2) 18 to 20" over canopy
.3) Reflector type is duct work
.4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply. No. Two fans in tent.
.5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan? No exhaust fan just two circulation fans
.6) 18/6

Your medium:
.7) Coco with vermiculite and peat
.8) 3 gal and 5 gal

Your nutrients and water:
.9) tap water around 6.2 ph
10) Method of checking water ph. (ph pen, test strips, aquarium test kit...) I use pH test solution
11) Method of adjusting water ph. (phosphoric acid, white vinegar, hydrated lime, PH Up...) I use lemon to lower ph
12) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule. Dr Earth bloom at 1/2 strength
13) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering? Every three days
14) Any additives or tea's? (Superthrive, CalMag, molasses, Mother's Earth...) No
15) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate? They were low 5.8 6
16) What is your ingoing water's ph? ...your runoff ph? Ingoing 6.2 pH outgoing 5.8
17) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray? No

Your growroom:
18) Indoors or outdoors? 8*8 tent
19) What size of closet, room or hut?
20) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? ...With lights off? 78F rh45%
21) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom? No

Your strain:
22) What strain are you growing? (Indica dominate or Sativa dom?) C4
23) Is this an photoperiod strain? No
24) How old is the plant? 6 weeks
25) In what life-cycle is it? Vegetative, pre-flowering, flowering, rippening? Flower
26) From seeds or clones? Seed
its the one on the right
Just keep feeding bloom nutes and cal/mag and they should be just fine.
It’s hard for me to tell with the purple lighting but from my research the curling/clawing down can be too much nitrogen, PH problems and root problems(root bound). Is the whole plant affected or just the top? What size pot is it in? I’m leaning towards ph because you said it was low. I would make sure the feedings and watering are PH’d proper for your growing medium.
In my other gardening experience vermiculite holds onto nutrients rather well and maybe it’s built up the nitrogen that way.
Good Luck and nice job the other plants look great!