New Grower Tutankhamon

Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Im thinking about getting some of these seeds, supposedly they are growing plants that is around 33% THC.

Anyone ever had any experience with this strain?
I still have a 5-pack of Tutankhamon from a couple years ago. When they began selling the strain some were claiming 33% THC but it was never lab verified. It's possible that a few phenos developed a potency mutation but Pyramid has always sold them as 18-22% THC which is still very high.
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I doubt any claims not backed by lab test. I'm curious how she smokes. Am I correct in saying its just a select pheno of AK-47?
I grew one, It was a better smoke than the Utopia Haze photo that shared the tent. I also heard the high THC claims at the time. I was a complete noob to auto's and didn't really know what to do with it, I just let it do it's thing on 12/12 with the photo's. Turned out ok....:peace:
got 1 right now and been pickin 2 nugs off her everyday and its 1 hit shit and she is still 2 weeks from being done(give or take a week) I know I shouldn't be pickin buds but I found out she hermied a few days back and im out of smoke so I said **** it im not gonna feel bad about this one anyways yeah I want know about its true potential but as of right now ITS THE SHIT
I just popped for 5 beans from Herbies. The price was nice, I liked the name, Seedfinders had some good reviews. I wanted something for my next grow and made a few $$ on a side job, so kind of an impulse buy. I am sure I won't regret it. Oh man I am getting addicted to growing autos I think! :dance2:
I think the 33% was for the photo and that was not lab certified.
I was freaking out when I seen what a certain magazine rated it at.. I wanted to see what everyones opinion of it here was. Thanks, I think I will still eventually try it though.