Outdoor Translucent leaf spots that turn brown

Jul 5, 2017
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First grow ever, 6 plants: 3 Nirvana Auto Northern Lights, 2 Auto White Widow, 1 (non-auto fem) CBD Jam (free seed experiment)

Outdoor grow in 5 gal smart pots, soil is a mix of FFOF, FFHF and a potting mix from our local nursery (non fertilized, high quality). The seedlings were started in cups with Miracle Grow potting mix, then moved to the smart pots 1.5 weeks ago. They get about 5 hours of direct sun per day (when I can I pull them out to a sunnier area for a few more hours). I noticed a bit of tip burn on some plants (NL only) lower leaves and chalked it up to nutrient burn, thinking they should grow out of it. the plants are watered only when the pots are light and soil is dry. The last time I watered was yesterday. I use tap water, ph hovers around 7.0-7.2. I have not used any nutes. The plants have been sprayed at dusk twice - neem oil and Safer caterpillar spray, both as a preventive.

A few days ago I noticed a few translucent spots on one leaf first thing in the morning. After it was exposed to the sun the spots turned brown. Now it's happening to more plants - noticed this morning. So far it only affects the Northern Lights and CBD Jam plants. The early, translucent spots are most noticeable on the underside of the leaf.

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I don't believe it is nute burn, because if it was too much juice in your soil it would have probably fried the plant already, when it was smaller, and more fragile.
Don't think I've ever seen a "translucent" leaf before.
Take a look at the infirmary section here
From where I'm sitting it looks like a K def.

Good Luck Out There.

EDIT probably best to post it over there to, get an expert opinion.
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