New Grower Total Noob, Seed Questions

Dec 15, 2015
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I know the answers are buried in the forums and I am searching for those answers now but thought there would be no harm in posting this thread for help.

My plan is a very basic personal outdoor grow with just one or two plants. Some questions:

1) First off... buying seeds... should I be worried about mailing seeds to my house? Should I use a domestic vendor to reduce risk of a package getting seized via customs? Any risk to using a credit card? Best to order online or by phone?

2) I only want one or possibly two plants growing at any one time. Should I buy five seeds, germinate them all and keep the two strongest? Should I just germinate what I need and store the rest of the seeds?

3) I have a bit of information overload when it comes to picking the strain. I prefer a sativa high and I am a bit concerned about masking the smell of the grow to my neighbors. I would need a strain that does not have an overpowering aroma while growing.

4) Any others out there growing outside in the back yard with some camo tips? I have lots of vegetation in my back yard to block neighbors from visually looking in my back yard. I also have lots of night jasmine vine to mask the smell.

Any and all advice is appreciated... tired of buying all the time!
Cmon yall... 13 views and no answers?

I tried to order seeds using a bank card but that did not work. The bank put a hold on the card. I called the bank, had the hold lifted, retired the transaction and then my bank put another hold on my card!

The only solution I've read about is emailing mitch at mephisto for alternative payment methods but mephisto does not appear sell the think different strain that I want to buy. I also tried using my card to buy this from the "herbie" vendor but my band did not want to work with that vendor either.

How the heck can I buy some seeds!
I only grow indoors so I'm not much help there but I'll answer what I can.
1) I've bought seeds from Herbie's, Mephisto and another place using credit cards and PayPal. I had one rejected but that was my only issue. I send to my house and have not had any issues.
2) order as many as you want. I only germ what I will use at the time and store the rest.
3) some strains are stinky and some not so much. If you have good cover from other foliage you're better off I would guess. Masking the smell I'm not sure about outdoors.
4) a lot of autos can be kept short so hiding will be easier.

Not sure why your bank won't let it go through. Maybe using a prepaid Visa card might work - never tried but just throwing it out there.

Good luck bud!!
Yea the bank is frustrating me.

I am about to purchase from Mephisto with PayPal... leaning toward Fantasmo Express strain now since that appears to be their only sativa seed. After repeated calls to the bank I was not able to get my card to work.

Appreciate the feedback... was a bit worried about purchasing seeds and having them mailed to the house.
If you ask Mitch at Mephisto he can tell you which are the highest sativa strains. He is on here and is really good at answering questions.
Good luck!!