Live Stoners total newb, lotta theory tho! small but ambitious :P

Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
some kush a friend grew
Hi guys, like I say ive never grown cannabis before (unless you count the time my dog ate my 2 month old plants back when I was 16...).

So I decided to grow autos, quicker harvest, smaller plants and id heard they prefered soil grows. So I got some nyc diesel autos and a free blue cheese auto seed.

I planted 2 nyc and 1 blue cheese each in there own 5 gallon bucket. I used @70% coco coir to @30% of my own compost.
Im using a 300w dual spectrum cfl (currently blue)
I also set up a scrog 10 inches above them.
Im airing on the lighter side of watering due to the lack of perlite and im only using 1/4 strenght nutrients

So right now im at day 25 and im fairly happy with their progress. Theyre just hitting the scrog and I cant see any signs of any major problems

Nyc 1 is o'natural
Nyc 2 got topped around day 16 and got stunted
Bc also got topped but I think I didnt take enough off because the cola didnt split?

So, any tips are welcome and much appreciated!! Cheers for having me :) I will keep you posted! also please let me know if this is the wrong space for this post!


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Hey Welcome to AFN! This is the place to introduce yourself yes, if you would like to start a journal you may want to pick the new growers section or the indoor grow jounals

Your young ladies look happy as can be. Auto's will grow any way a photo will and not all are small, just depends on the strain. There are a few 1lb plus auto journals around here in hydro. Using CFL's i'd think you'd want to stay with small strains.
If you need any help throw an @ in front of anyone's name @hashead Stop by live stoners chat and say hi, share photos, music whatever floats your boat.
Happy Growing :vibe:
Cheers @iampepe , is there anyway I can relocate this post? Have you had any experience with either of these strains? I did some research on the nyc and that seems to scrog well, the blue cheese was just a happy bonus, kinda nostalgic to be honest :hippy:
Cheers @iampepe , is there anyway I can relocate this post? Have you had any experience with either of these strains? I did some research on the nyc and that seems to scrog well, the blue cheese was just a happy bonus, kinda nostalgic to be honest :hippy:
I'd just start a new journal in whatever section you choose with the name of your strains in the title. Sorry I haven't grown either of those.
Hey and Welcome,
Tons and tons of info here. And if you can't find the info u are seeking, just ask away. Everyone (at least the ones I have met on here) are very helpful and knowledgeable.
Welcome again and happy growing!
Nice set up!
hey buddy welcome to afn. your lookin sweet so far. theres a cfl section that might be a good place for you to have a nose about. havent met any of the cfl guys admittedly but i know theres a few of them in there : ) happy growin bud i hope it all goes well for you
Wow nice job with scrog screen mine did not turn out so clean looking. I used bamboo sticks and stuff i had laying around . I haven’t really used yet tho a a actual scrog take care nice post!