New Grower Too much light? Too much nutes? Not enough nutes? Confused! Need advice please.

The Green Goblin

Noob 1st class
Jun 15, 2021
Reaction score

I'm new to the growing scene and I noticed some yellowing on some of the tips of the leaves on one of my autoflowers.
I have a 1m x 1m x 2m grow tent with a Fecida cr600 (125w) led light. I also run an extrator fan and I have a small oscillating fan running on the floor of the tent. I run a 18/6 light schedule.
I have 2 plants growing in coco coir 75% perlite 25% mix in 2 x 15 liter fabric pots.
The nutes I use are Coco A&B , Rhizotonic and Cal Mag
I am growing one Y Griega CBD plant which seems to be doing really well and a mystery plant which is either
a. Blue Dream Auto
b. Kush n Cookies CBD or
c. Expert Gorilla Automatic
The seeds got mixed up and only one of the 3 sprouted but which one I'm not sure.
Anyway it's the mystery plant that has yellow tips appearing on some of the leaves.
Both plants are on day 25. The Y Griega CBD is 18cms tall and the mystery plant 12cms tall
I had the lights at 60% output 50cms from the plants and I noticed some slight burning on some of the leaves so I raised the light to 70cms, still at 60% output
My feeding regime is a bit unregimented but I feed them both approx 1 liter of water each with 75% recommended dose of nutes each per day and I also foliar spray the leaves with rhizotonic 2mg per liter and calmag 1mg per liter once or twice a day. I always check the ph is at around 6. Humidity is always between 45 - 65 and temps 21-24 degs.
The first 4 photos are of my mystery plant and the final 3 photos are of my Y Griega CBD Plant.
So any advice will be gratefully accepted and also if someone could identify my mystery plant that would also be great. One other question, in photo no. 7 are they the dreaded nanas I've been reading about appearing?
Thank you. 1 Plant 1.jpg2 Plant 1.jpg3 Plant 1.jpg4 Plant 1.jpg5 Y Griega CBD.jpg6 Y Griega CBD.jpg7 Y Griega CBD.jpg
You should be adding cal/mag to your feed water at 1 tsp. per gal.Do not over feed to avoid nute burn and your close now with the brown tips.other than that they look ok.
Thank you namvet25, I wasn't sure if the tips were due to too much light or too much nutes. I will add calmag and keep an eye on it. Appreciate the reply! :biggrin: