Tommy boy
Just take the butchers word
I'm going to try a deep water grow this is my first attempt at hydro. I have been a soil grower for many years. I am really into the diy stuff I have used hp lights than moved to off the shelf led bulbs witch worked great. Now I'm into the quantum board type LEDs I have 2 288 boards running around 180 to 200 watts together. I would like to add 2 more. Right now I have 2 autos going one is a amnesia auto from canuk seeds the other is a lemon drop auto from oasis seeds. They are about day 40 I think . I have been kinda neglecting this grow because I had so much from the last grow but its running out I was really generous with it giving most away witch is cool with me just kinda sucks when I run out. I'm just rambling I'll get some pics up soon and hope everyone enjoys my first attempt at a deep water grow. I'm going to use advanced nutrients ph perfect they have worked well in soil so I'm happy with them for now I always like trying new things . Pics soon of what's happened now. Keep checking in I take lots of pics and enjoy criticism and love to help others like I have been helped on here. I'm starting to get a vast knowledge on all factors of indoor and auto flowers