New Grower Tobacco mosaic virus

Dec 25, 2012
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Hey AFN.

So ive been doing a little research into why my plants are showing wrinkled leaves and have come across the tobacco mosaic virus. At first i thought this was just my jack-47 showing wrinkled leaves and discoloration however after looking in my tent tonight ive found that my two seedlings are also showing the same along with the top of my cream mandarin. Now... im not 100% on this and i could be jumping the gun in the diagnosis but i just wanted to get your guys input.

From what i'm reading this virus can stay alive in tobacco for an extremely long time so the fact that i roll my own cigarettes has me worried. Ive noticed on one of my seedlings its only starting to wrinkle on one spot so im assuming this could be where ive touched it? the other is all over but now as bad as the jack was/is.After doing a little more reading my heart sunk to find out there is no cure for this other than to destroy your crop and start again in a perfectly clean environment. This for me would be devastating as i wont be able to start again!!

Anyways id like to know has anyone ever had ot witnessed this problem before? i'm obviously hoping this isnt my problem and if it is....well i dont know what ill do accept maybe cry for a few days straight!

All input would be much appreciated, link to my grow in my sig if anyone wants to see picture :thumbs:

:peace: from a very scared stoner :joint:

EDIT: just to add the leaves i have that look like there being eaten is another sign of the virus!! FML
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Can you post a picture man :bong:

Edit: My bad just seen you said check thread
This would actually be better to look at to save so many pages.

And This is a link to where im finding this information :thumbs:
Thanks Dude! Im doing more and more reading and it seems it can throw up all kinds of symptoms many of which i have.
However i notice people talking about plants that have had it for ages? does this mean it wont kill your crop or effect the product? i have no idea :confused:
Id have to read the article which Ive not done yet but off the top of my head Id say with the leaves like that ,Id say yeah in time it'll prolly jack up your harvest at the least.but again,Im with you Idunno for sure either.LOL!
Most of the virus in cannabis has been a scare. I too have been shown pictures that look like my problem-- and in fact it was another problem (low phos & high nitro)that has common symptoms. The TMV getting in weed is most often seen when nicotine is used as a pesticide. Powdery mildew can cause what appears to be a potassium shortage-low mag and or iron, but it's just the theft by mold. So likely hood it's TMV would be extremely low from just handling cigarettes. Now if you were chasing mites with nicotine then I'd be wondering TMV?
TMV has been known to be passed around with Chemdawg cuts for a while now...

I will second that there is much misdiagnosis of TMV...
Thanks for the info guys, ive been doing a little more reading on that thread and they have mentioned that blueberry strains and kush strains show this trait alot! given that the two seedlings showing this are blue himalaya and afghan kush that figures but still doesnt explain the problems ive had with the jack from seed.

Im very confused about all this and i think ill be purchasing a TMV testing kit very soon.

EDIT: Cant find them anywhere in the uk and there stupid money! not sure what to do now :confused:
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