To burp or not to burp??

Jan 10, 2022
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So I recently harvested a small auto plant….I stunted it as a seedling, so she wasn’t very big when she started to flower. I almost tossed it.
Anyway, it recovered nicely and the bud is top shelf….ultra sticky and super stinky.
I hung the plant with most leaves still attached, although the leaf to calyx ratio was extreme…it had very few leaves and took no time to trim.
I ended up with just shy of 2oz, which I’m thrilled with all things considered.
The best conditions I could manage was 70F with a RH of 60%.
The buds were not huge but dense and the size of a ping pong ball. After 8 days they were really dry….so I trimmed and jarred.
Now over 24hrs later my hygrometer reads 57%….
That’s close to an ideal level of dryness for me when smoking….but I want a good cure too.
I’ve read at 55% and below the cure stops and is over.
I understand that generally you would jar buds somewhere in the 60’s and burp to exchange air and allow them to dry more until you get to 62% or so.
Since I am close to being too dry to cure, should I do any burping? Or leave the jar closed ?
Any help here is appreciated big time….thanks
So I recently harvested a small auto plant….I stunted it as a seedling, so she wasn’t very big when she started to flower. I almost tossed it.
Anyway, it recovered nicely and the bud is top shelf….ultra sticky and super stinky.
I hung the plant with most leaves still attached, although the leaf to calyx ratio was extreme…it had very few leaves and took no time to trim.
I ended up with just shy of 2oz, which I’m thrilled with all things considered.
The best conditions I could manage was 70F with a RH of 60%.
The buds were not huge but dense and the size of a ping pong ball. After 8 days they were really dry….so I trimmed and jarred.
Now over 24hrs later my hygrometer reads 57%….
That’s close to an ideal level of dryness for me when smoking….but I want a good cure too.
I’ve read at 55% and below the cure stops and is over.
I understand that generally you would jar buds somewhere in the 60’s and burp to exchange air and allow them to dry more until you get to 62% or so.
Since I am close to being too dry to cure, should I do any burping? Or leave the jar closed ?
Any help here is appreciated big time….thanks
Hello get some of these saves all the hassle of burping they are perfect
The burping is more about releasing the gasses that build up as compounds like chlorophyll will continue to break down for many weeks or months as long as the proper humidity and temperature is maintained.

Once the flowers are fully cured and at a stable humidity between 58-62% you don’t need to open the jars except very occasionally mostly as a precaution. You can also use Grove bags as an alternative to jar curing like @Dell boy suggested, they work great.

I would just pick up a few humidity packs off of Amazon or any smoke shop to bring your humidity back up a couple points. You also might find if you keep you jars closed that the humidity still goes up another couple points.
The burping is more about releasing the gasses that build up as compounds like chlorophyll will continue to break down for many weeks or months as long as the proper humidity and temperature is maintained.

Once the flowers are fully cured and at a stable humidity between 58-62% you don’t need to open the jars except very occasionally mostly as a precaution. You can also use Grove bags as an alternative to jar curing like @Dell boy suggested, they work great.

I would just pick up a few humidity packs off of Amazon or any smoke shop to bring your humidity back up a couple points. You also might find if you keep you jars closed that the humidity still goes up another couple points.
Thanks for the advice. You were correct about the humidity climbing. This morn I checked and it was 58%…..I was stoked to see that.
So based on what you’ve written, I should burp at least once a day and make it quick so the buds don’t have a chance to dry more….is this right??
The buds are at an ideal moisture smoking level but still need to release the buildup of gasses…so burping will accomplish this…..correct?
Once they’ve gone through 3/4 weeks of this the burping should stop….right?
I have some Boveda packs (62%) and planned on using them once the cure is finished or if the levels drop below where I’d like them to be.
Most new growers have no idea how important the dry/cure is to get the full flavor, smell, taste of the final product.
I can’t imagine harvesting multiple huge plants and having pounds to deal with.
it sounds like you are on the right track. You only need to open the jars briefly at this point, a minute or so. You could also start to use your the humidity pack now to bring it up a couple more points. I always aim for 60% but that is just a personal preference, I have a buddy who prefers to keep all his flowers at %58 and his flowers are always fresh.
I used a piece of fresh leaf in my jar only one finger of it brought my humidity from 57% to 61% and it held pretty steady. When it dried up a little id take it out and put a new one in. Dont see why it wouldnt be a good idea but i also dont have experience in curing.. Lol but it worked for me!
I used a piece of fresh leaf in my jar only one finger of it brought my humidity from 57% to 61% and it held pretty steady. When it dried up a little id take it out and put a new one in. Dont see why it wouldnt be a good idea but i also dont have experience in curing.. Lol but it worked for me!
I actually mostly do stuff like this and don’t use humidity packs very often, but they do take out most of the guess work and they are easy to get your hands on nowadays.

If I don’t have any larger plants that I can steal a bit of leaf from I have also been known to use a small piece of organic lettuce in its place.