Old Reviews Tips for purchasing LED and Tents

Sep 6, 2011
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When purchasing an LED for a grow tent. Would you recommend purchasing a light that is recommended for your grow area? or should you get as big as you can? I think this is good info for newbies.
I want to know in general what to look for in a LED period..

I've had my eyes on a Blackstar 270watt (2012 model) Flower LED (Also good for veg)

Its 290$ shipped. Akito, I am not trying to hijack, but I believe this is important info that I am sure I am not the only one that has the same question. If anyone has any info on Black Star or L.E.D period please share with us!
Try and match up the core penetration of the light to the size of your area. For example, my GLH 240 watt can cover a 4' x 4' area per the manufacturer. But it's core is 2.5' x 2.8'. The area I have it in is about 2.5 x 2.5' and it performs very well in there. Beyond the core the light intensity decreases pretty fast.

When purchasing an LED for a grow tent. Would you recommend purchasing a light that is recommended for your grow area? or should you get as big as you can? I think this is good info for newbies.
Lots of discussion here about LEDs. Two active threads going right now as well as a lot of inactive threads with good info. Check them out.

There's lots of junk out there, so stay with reputable brands. Lots of Black Stars here, as well as Fero, GLH, and some others.

I want to know in general what to look for in a LED period..

I've had my eyes on a Blackstar 270watt (2012 model) Flower LED (Also good for veg)

Its 290$ shipped. Akito, I am not trying to hijack, but I believe this is important info that I am sure I am not the only one that has the same question. If anyone has any info on Black Star or L.E.D period please share with us!
Blackstars i would highly recommend. I am only one my 2nd grow ever and i chose blackstars. Very happy for stealth. My buddies all use HPS and have great results but i gotta keep it low key for where i am at. I got 2 of the 240 blackstars. They give me about 3-4 zips so far on each light. I gotta work on other areas to increase yield. I know the new blackstars are about to hit the internet which have the look of the penetrators. I would have to say if you are just trying to get into the LED game go with blackstar. If you got money to spend and want to compete with HPS you are going to need to get one of the more expensive lights. I choose to get a descent light and start gathering equipment. Learn how to treat and take care of the plants and once i feel comfortable i am going to invest on one of the more expensive.
Yea Im going to get one of the 2012 240 watt black stars.. Is this what your talking about?
I'll add my support to the 2012 240W Blackstars. Got one a couple weeks ago and ordered my second one tonight. :smokebuds:
Yes they are going to have a new style that has better penetration using a secondary lens. I believe you can find pics in the LED Light Review thread. They are going to be sold in a 180,270,360. I believe they are called blackstar chrome series
I own a 2X2 Secret Jardin DR 60 tent it is a very good product and light proof, just wish I had more room for a bigger tent.
Own 3 LEDs 90w UFO, 240w Blackstar and a 800w Solarstorm LED with built in T8 UVB. I would suggest you stay within the suggested grow area...that goes for any light though. LEDs are a complicated story but Id do some reviews, read some grow journals before hand. There far from being equal to one another and there are more junk and rip off ones then not.

Heres a good site with some limited reviews.

Of particular interest on the lower right side are some interviews with the actual CEOs of some LED companies.
