Tiny white dots on leaves and growth on fabric pot

Dec 13, 2015
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I decided to make this thread to get ahead of any possible problem.
Im going to copy paste my last update in my grow thread that gives all the info. Heres a link to the thread too: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...orthern-cheese-haze.59594/page-3#post-1483965

Day 23
Did lst, sprayed overgrow and gave 16oz water with 0.15ml mammoth p and recharge.

She looks amazing, very impressed with my first mephisto strain already, seems to have better structure than any of my other plants did at this stage.

I noticed some small white dots on the leaves i could wipe off. Didnt see anything on the underside of any leaves though. Couldnt really get a good pic.
So I air dusted and wiped the inside of the box down with 70% isopropyl alcohol, i admit for the first time since its been in use for 3 grows, and made sure to spray overgrow generously.
I hope its not pm.. if it continues or gets worse i will make a thread in the infirmary.

Never had residue from spraying overgrow either, i did pour the remaining amount into a new spray bottle for this grow, it seems to make finer water droplets when sprayed. Not sure if that would make a difference as far as leaving a possible residue.

I also have some stuff that grows on my fabric pots but ive had that on all my grows, i think its good bacteria correct me if im wrong.


Before lst

After more lst

Back inside the box after spraying overgrow


My plan as of now is to check it out with my loupe later and i might wipe the outside of the pot down with the 70% alcohol i used to clean the inside of the box. I will also give an extra day to allow for the pot to dry out before watering again(have been watering every two days so i will wait until the third day now until i figure this out). @Waira what do you think bud?
Day 24
Getting some leaves clawing and i took better pics.
The white dots on the leaves look like tiny little rocks or salt i guess under my loupe.
After i took pics i wiped the outside of the pot with a moist paper towel.
I guess the little white spots on the leaves could be residue from the optic foliar overgrow seeing how my bottle is about a year old?


Heres the best i could do for the little white spots

I've never used a fabric pot so I couldn't help ya with that,but I will say you're plants are nice and green and healthy looking good.
:toke: Smorf- ...couldn't be mildew, Overgrow has ATAK in it, a fungicide,... the residue is odd, as it shouldn't leave any behind, unless you're using hard water; that would start to leave minerals behind... In any case it's not hurting the plant,... The tip claw sure looks like mild N-Tox to me,.. what nutes input has she had besides OG?

... crud on the pot sides looks like mineral build-up, but could be a fungal deal,.. is it crusty?- then it's mineral,..soft spongy-like, it's fungal,... you can take a brush to the sides and clear most of it,... if fungal spray with appropriate product,....
I use tap water thats bubbled for atleast 24 hrs then sits with the lid off until use for watering but not for any kind of foliar spray.

Stuff on the pot is crusty, i wiped it off with a moist paper towel last night. Ive had it develop on my fabric pot for all my grows so probably no issue now either.

Im using gbd soil with roots organic, ewc and dolomite lime mixed in. So maybe the mild N toxicity was from spraying overgrow when she already had enough N from the soil and ewc thats mixed in.

Maybe the overgrow is starting to break down (its one year old) or something causing a residue to form.
Thanks for the input @Waira :cheers: