Old Reviews timer that doesn't suck?


Dr.Frankenweed M.U.
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I've tried a few timers now with not the best of luck. What is the average grower using? Digital would be fine. Just something that is user friendly that can handle power outages.
u lookin for 120v or a 240
cause if ur using 240v they can get kind of tricky trying to find one that has more than 1 outlet, the one WVT is using is for 120, those work very well to; i had one till i tripped on a cord that was plugged into it for an oscillating fan. It pulled out of the wall and broke all to shit. When it wasn't damaged it was good Gear. also i get about 80-90 percent of my gear from ebay, they have tons of good shit plenty of it with free shipping; i think i paid about 20-25ea. for my single outlet 240v timers with free shipping; its so damn nice to not have to drive to the city to get gear from the hydro store!
JM the one I linked is the same as the Hydrofarm. After researching them a couple months ago I found they are sold under multiple names.
120v sticky. I'm at the mercy of Walmart or likewise unless I order online.
I have bought two Hydrofarm Digital timers so far and they have worked great for me! They have a battery backup; and I've tripped my breakers a few times and had the power go out on other occasions, and never lost my settings or timings. Two 120V outlets (they cannot be programmed independently with the model I have though; but for $15 it's cheap enough you can grab a second if you need it.) Have had no problems throwing any wattage at them. Here is the exact model I have:

Thanks for the info guys. I think the one from hydrofarm is the winner.
Ive brought 3 grassline timers all 3 broke so i brought a conducter is it? Meant to stop em breaking but mine still do so now i unplug and plug the lights myself...annoying that autos dont go 12/12 as id love to be able to double my space. This is a reason im tempted to go and do a photo grow. I would cover the plants and carry them into a shed in my back garden and shove an ona block inside. The temps would be quiet cold but in the summer itll be fine. I do like with autos though can finish work turn lights off and back on before bed :D but that double yield mmmmm lol 3 liberty haze 3 exoduse chese 3 granddaddy purp and 3 og kush...watch this space lol