Plant is 12 days old from seed (Early Miss Auto flower)
18/6 cycle T5's
90% Coco
10% Hydroton
General Organics Nutrients
Temp 22-25 (Light On) based on temperature in home
Humidity 40% (Light On)
Temp at light off is unknown (external unit tomorrow)
Humidity at light off is unknown (external unit tomorrow)
Distilled Water being used
340ppm going in
Ph 5.8 going in
Ph 6.5 Coming out (have to calibrate my meter tomorrow)
ppm 350+ coming out
Flushing to about 10-15% run off
Watering one to two times a day
Can i start increasing ppm????

18/6 cycle T5's
90% Coco
10% Hydroton
General Organics Nutrients
Temp 22-25 (Light On) based on temperature in home
Humidity 40% (Light On)
Temp at light off is unknown (external unit tomorrow)
Humidity at light off is unknown (external unit tomorrow)
Distilled Water being used
340ppm going in
Ph 5.8 going in
Ph 6.5 Coming out (have to calibrate my meter tomorrow)
ppm 350+ coming out
Flushing to about 10-15% run off
Watering one to two times a day
Can i start increasing ppm????