
IceWater Mephisto x2 ( Journal )
Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Blackberry Kush
Hey afn

I was doing my good morning check on my girls about an hour ago. When I noticed what looks like start of a def to me. I'm in promix bx with worm castings feeding advanced ph perfect line with r.o water. Under LEDs I'm hitting nutes every watering ppm of about 1200 . There in there fifth week of veg. Giving 6ml of cal mag General organics per gallon . Looks like start of a zinc deff to me. Would love to hear your opions and thoughts how I can pull out of this and bloom my medicine . Thanks oh forgot to mention purple streaking on stems


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I would up the G.O. Cal mag full strength 10 mills. That will help. How much base nutes are giving per feeding? The next time use pro mix HP high porosity instead of BX but if you have no choice add perlite a couple of cupfuls per five gallon container make sure room temps are at 80 degrees. BX is great for HPS or metal halide not so good for led they burn cooler so less water uptake then hps lighting. The last id just a side note that i have learned using led as my light source. Tell me your feeding schedule bro if you do not mind. On a whole the plant still looks very strong so you have just caught a deficiency in time but I start with G.O. cal mag at day 15 I find I avoid for the most any cal mag deficiencies but some strains act different then others. I have heard a guy had to go 125% of GO cal mag to get it under control but the great thing about GO is 0-0-0 so it is a great supplement.
My feeding schedule is 12ml advanced ph perfect sensi grow a&b , 8ml voodoo juice, 6ml cal mag general organics, b52 from advanced at 8ml and this is per gallon . And I just started using a product called tanlin for fungus gnats at two drops per gallon. I just watered yesterday with 8ml of cal mag per gallon .
My feeding schedule is 12ml advanced ph perfect sensi grow a&b , 8ml voodoo juice, 6ml cal mag general organics, b52 from advanced at 8ml and this is per gallon . And I just started using a product called tanlin for fungus gnats at two drops per gallon. I just watered yesterday with 8ml of cal mag per gallon .
Thanks for checking out my post bro much appreciated
I do have my hps if you think it would help I could pull out LEDs and run my 400 watt sun systems with eye hortilux hps bulb .
No changing lights just would create more heat bro. Are you feeding close to daily? and if so stay the course and up the cal mag full strength. It should works it way out. How did you develop fungus gnats? What is your Relative Humidity? Last but not least what kind of led are you running? just curios on the led
No I'm watering every three to four days usually to run off . A friend came by with a clone he insisted I take and put it in my tent to surprise me and few days later they started flying around . Humidity is 45degress and I'm using an Apollo 6led and a lush kind led that's 2/3 the size of my Apollo totally of 330watts in my 2/4 by 6high tent .