Good morning from godsgarden(SCOTLAND),so here goes i am on a budget and it is what it is
Partitioned cupboard acessed thru hatch,any advice more than welcome
600 watt dual spectrum HPS
1×6"Inline carbon filter exhausted into attic
2×passive intakes
Walls tinfoiled with wallpaerpaste.....i know its cheap im scots give me a break (tighter than 2 coats emulsion)
Soil and perlite 50/50 mix
Sensiseedbank superskunk [HASHTAG]#1autos[/HASHTAG]
2@24days.....cheech and chong nice and howard marks (god rest his soul)
Useing ionic growth promoter and ionic bloom promoter (when the time comes)
Going to lst them
So heres some pics of the grow so far
As u can see from pics makes a great proving oven for bread so not the only thing getting baked lol[emoji111] [emoji106]
Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
Partitioned cupboard acessed thru hatch,any advice more than welcome
600 watt dual spectrum HPS
1×6"Inline carbon filter exhausted into attic
2×passive intakes
Walls tinfoiled with wallpaerpaste.....i know its cheap im scots give me a break (tighter than 2 coats emulsion)
Soil and perlite 50/50 mix
Sensiseedbank superskunk [HASHTAG]#1autos[/HASHTAG]
2@24days.....cheech and chong nice and howard marks (god rest his soul)
Useing ionic growth promoter and ionic bloom promoter (when the time comes)
Going to lst them
So heres some pics of the grow so far
As u can see from pics makes a great proving oven for bread so not the only thing getting baked lol[emoji111] [emoji106]
Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk