we go again ,after identifying a number of probs main one being heat and the obvious deficiencies in ph (meter arrives tomorrow) also humidity issues its take 2 .....have a cooltube arriving mon and a 6 inch fan and ducting so gonna do a do over in the cupboard .....serious issue was the heat so i stripped the tin foil of all the walls and now white.....result big drop in temp bringing it far more in line and humidity much better too....and when useing magnifier on phone she has shown her sex .....phew female .....just happens i was reading some of the @autobeast post with her probs worrying me i needed some stress relief and after showing me her sex i decided to fck her and her twin sis.....domination was the name of the game so i roughly tied the bitches down and set about every limb on their bodies ......i was rough i was dirty their was namecalling but in the end i owned them .....12 hrs later and the growth is explosive,also raised the pots out their trays and not going to feed until their desperate ....treat em mean and keep em keen......cant wait to get new kit and get on top of this.....with the serious lst i did there are massive amounts of even stems reaching straight up,tucked a lot of leaves to let the lower branches get light some have grown maybe an inch and half today.......gonna give it two days up the feed and i might then feel confident enough to post some new pics .....that is if the SVU havent arrested me for abuse .....[emoji111] [emoji111] [emoji111] [emoji111] to all those kind enough and willing to give me input a massive thanks for your help
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