Outdoor this is my first auto grow

This is my first auto plant i got seedsfrom a friend to try outdoors for him he said its some kind of auto skunk plant sure smells like it. At time of pics it was 50 days im going to let it go until weather gets to cold.
Do you not know the strain? looks strange for a skunk plant :peace: Si
No im not sure but im not convinced of it being skunk plant either just taking his word for it all i do know is it smells skunky as hell and it is auto but besides that im clueless he wanted me to try them out outdoors. Its really small i think it would do better if planted earlier didnt put out till middle Aug.
Looks to me like it was stunted in it's first three weeks. Very common doing autos outside. They need to be babyed inside for three weeks then moved out. If for any reason they slow growth in this time they will never reach their full size later. I am making this my number one consideration in my breeding progrem. If they cannot start outside and thrive the first three weeks, I don't breed them. Given a few generations I will have a truly outside auto.I am calling these "Uber Autos"
Thats what i want something for outdoors to me its much better. Thanks for your post stonemaster