Indoor Thinking of designing an easy co2 device for under €10... input required pls!


Jan 26, 2016
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Long time lurker... learned so much from this forum, thank you!

I'm looking into designing a device to easily add co2 to small personal setups, allowing the user to have the benefits co2 without the expense, hassle, safely and space concerns of traditional methods like co2 tanks etc.

For under €10 (hopefully less), my device would be small, safe and able to be hung above the plants. It would only use easily available, low cost household products, requiring attention only one per week.

Honestly, it's nothing you couldn't do yourself but I feel it will be more convenient to have a specifically designed unit that's cheap enough, more elegant, attractive and an easier to manage solution within your setup.

The benefit with this idea is you would actually be able to physically see the unit producing co2, which is also a big bonus over co2 bags imo. My prototype has improved results, plants are happier, stress free and more robust.

So bottom line, before I go too much further down this road I need to know if this is something that would be of interest to you guys?

Any feedback would be most welcome!!
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Long time lurker... learned so much from this forum, thank you!

I'm looking into designing a device to easily add co2 to small personal setups, allowing the user to have the benefits co2 without the expense, hassle, safely and space concerns of traditional methods like co2 tanks etc.

For under €10 (hopefully less), my device would be small, safe and able to be hung above the plants. It would only use easily available, low cost household products, requiring attention only one per week.

Honestly, it's nothing you couldn't do yourself but I feel it will be more convenient to have a specifically designed unit that's cheap enough, more elegant, attractive and an easier to manage solution within your setup.

The benefit with this idea is you would actually be able to physically see the unit producing co2, which is also a big bonus over co2 bags imo. My prototype has improved results, plants are happier, stress free and more robust.

So bottom line, before I go too much further down this road I need to know if this is something that would be of interest to you guys?

Any feedback would be most welcome!!

Sure - lets see the prototype device! :D

I think anything that's cheap enough and "may" improve results will tempt a lot of growers.

You'll probably be hearing some naysaying about the effectiveness of CO2 in a non sealed environment, but if the bags help (which are under 10$ and people buy them) ... then why wouldnt the unit.


Edit - on a personal note, i used to make CO2 with yeast and sugar in a bottle, make a hole in the top large enough for a straw to fit tightly and point the straws in amongst my plant.

I don't know if it helped ... it felt like i was doing something though ^_^
Sure - lets see the prototype device! :D

I think anything that's cheap enough and "may" improve results will tempt a lot of growers.

You'll probably be hearing some naysaying about the effectiveness of CO2 in a non sealed environment, but if the bags help (which are under 10$ and people buy them) ... then why wouldnt the unit.


Edit - on a personal note, i used to make CO2 with yeast and sugar in a bottle, make a hole in the top large enough for a straw to fit tightly and point the straws in amongst my plant.

I don't know if it helped ... it felt like i was doing something though ^_^

Thank you for your input! This device would use exactly the same process as you've described. Again, nothing anyone couldn't do by themselves, but my aim for the device is to provide an easier, cleaner, more aesthetic and over all elegant solution than just using plastic bottles, and if it's cheap enough I think it could be a nice addition to anyone's setup.

Long time lurker... learned so much from this forum, thank you!

I'm looking into designing a device to easily add co2 to small personal setups, allowing the user to have the benefits co2 without the expense, hassle, safely and space concerns of traditional methods like co2 tanks etc.

For under €10 (hopefully less), my device would be small, safe and able to be hung above the plants. It would only use easily available, low cost household products, requiring attention only one per week.

Honestly, it's nothing you couldn't do yourself but I feel it will be more convenient to have a specifically designed unit that's cheap enough, more elegant, attractive and an easier to manage solution within your setup.

The benefit with this idea is you would actually be able to physically see the unit producing co2, which is also a big bonus over co2 bags imo. My prototype has improved results, plants are happier, stress free and more robust.

So bottom line, before I go too much further down this road I need to know if this is something that would be of interest to you guys?

Any feedback would be most welcome!!

co2 supplementation in a ventilated tent/room does no good at all unless the grow space is airtight, otherwise the co2 gets sucked out of the tent immediately.
I've tried those co2 bags, and they are completely worthless.
I even bought a co2 meter to check out co2 levels.
The Exhale co2 bag did nothing to the meter residing in the tent, even after a month, but my co2 laden breath did.
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I recently checked out the bag type and a canister type and didn't really see anything in the material that would compel me to purchase.
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co2 supplementation in a ventilated tent/room does no good at all unless the grow space is airtight, otherwise the co2 gets sucked out of the tent immediately.
I've tried those co2 bags, and they are completely worthless.
I even bought a co2 meter to check out co2 levels.
The Exhale co2 bag did nothing to the meter residing in the tent, even after a month, but my co2 laden breath did.

Thank you... some great points there!

Do you think the addition of a tube from the unit, placed behind a fan blowing the co2 directly on to the plants would make much difference vs the bags?
The most readily-available and efficient CO2 source is humans and other larger animals. Perhaps consider, having the tent in the same or adjacent room (sharing same air) as your bedroom or other much-used room; or if you have a dog have it sleep in the sane room as the tent, etc.
or if you have a dog have it sleep in the sane room as the tent, etc.
My dogs had the run of the place until they decided to start peeing in there. Banished!
My dogs had the run of the place until they decided to start peeing in there. Banished!
But maybe seal the tent, put up a divider/fence, etc. - someway to allow the dogs to sleep in the same room as the tent.
Thank you... some great points there!

Do you think the addition of a tube from the unit, placed behind a fan blowing the co2 directly on to the plants would make much difference vs the bags?

My estimate is that fan+tube might increase its usefulness from 0 to 1 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Most home growers will do harm to their grows and wallets attempting co2 supplementation.
It's debatable how much it even helps.
Pro/semi-pro growers might benefit from airtight, co2 supplemented grows that require much more effort.
KISS is the best policy for the rest of us.
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