Greenhouse: http://www.mazeproducts.com.au/Products/6_x_12_Greenhouse.aspx
Lights: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/330773282697?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_5971wt_1163
Using 2 130w cfl light kits might buy more through the grow, also i might be adding more plants in the middle of the grow.
They will be brought up by cfls until sex and then moved into greenhouse.
My greenhouse is not built yet but should be up within a week.
Will be grown in a organic compost mixture with perlite.
My lights haven't arrived yet but should be here anyday now so there first few days will be under a cool daylight 24w cfl.
2 Mi5 1 Think Different and 1 Photo Cheese.
Also not growing as many as i could because I might mess up, this is my first grow.
Greenhouse: http://www.mazeproducts.com.au/Products/6_x_12_Greenhouse.aspx
Lights: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/330773282697?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_5971wt_1163
Using 2 130w cfl light kits might buy more through the grow, also i might be adding more plants in the middle of the grow.
They will be brought up by cfls until sex and then moved into greenhouse.
My greenhouse is not built yet but should be up within a week.
Will be grown in a organic compost mixture with perlite.
My lights haven't arrived yet but should be here anyday now so there first few days will be under a cool daylight 24w cfl.
2 Mi5 1 Think Different and 1 Photo Cheese.
Also not growing as many as i could because I might mess up, this is my first grow.