New Grower The out door grow

Dec 3, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Hi guys I live in the uk and have never grown any weed out doors I have a few questions for those who have . Firstly would you still put the plants in pots or can they go straight into the ground along side my other plants , secondly would you then still need to flush the plants at the end of the grow and thirdly has any one any strains in mind that would be useful you know that don't smell as strong . Many thanks Snow .
Pots ground greenhouse outside she'll grow if given the right conditions light air water soil is what's needed the medium or method is up to you depending on what your looking4 a long veg time an being in the ground will produce bigger plants then a small pot.
Pots ground greenhouse outside she'll grow if given the right conditions light air water soil is what's needed the medium or method is up to you depending on what your looking4 a long veg time an being in the ground will produce bigger plants then a small pot.
Thanks mate I'm going to trial with four plants one outside in the ground one in a pot , then the same in my poly tunnel and see which one works best .