New Grower the lowryder guru needed


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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growing lowryder seed.i am trying to grow during winter under a dozen cfls.i want to pollinate a limb on each plant to produce seed from each type.i want to try---cronic ryder --easy ryder--deisel ryder--and a auto royal dwarf.must say i havent had much luck even getting the lowryder to grow.out of 10 on another order i only got 2 to grow out of 10.1 of those is a i want to polinate the 1 female with him plus the new fem seed i just got.can you walk me through getting started.will use mg seed starter then to mg soil mix for now
i would drop the mg soil mix

step 1 put in wet paper towel in a warm place as soon as the seed cracks plant in seedling mix the fems can be place in hole filled with seedling mix into the final pots others should be placed in seedling mix and in large cups until sexed then bottoms cut off then transplant into final pots.

you spend 100's on seed but you use mg compost :confused:
Everyone who uses MG has something go bad.. it's not great for growing, autos.

& Amen, with the money your dropping on seeds, buy some good soil too. it's like buying a nice car, then trying to give it bootleg fuel. sketch move..haha

Anyways if the paper towel method isn't giving you a good sprouting ratio-
try putting the seeds in a covered cup of water, in a dark & room temperature place for 2-3 days.

i've been having fantastic luck with that method for years.

If you have a male and female now you should be able to breed them in a few weeks. give the seeds at least 6 weeks to develop, and they should be ready by the time you harvest.
you can use most anything clean to transfer the pollen onto some female pistols. It's much better having your own little seedbank rather than NEEDing to order every time you wanna start something for sure.
where i live thats all thats around.if i want pro mix i must pay in advance and will get the next week.i need something to at least get the seeds in something to get them goin.we have a lowes and a walmart--no garden supply centers--
That MG soil is likely your reason for high male ratio!

Even a cactus soil would work for seedlings. I have found sunshine mix at walmart before.. Anything but MG...

As far the breeding you can use a ziplock over the branches you pollinated to keep from seeding your whole crop. If you put the pollen into the bag before you put it on the branch you won't get as much releasing into the air. After the bags are on,spray the area with some water to deactivate the stray pollen. Keep the bag on for 24 hours or so. Then take it off and mist again. After couple days the white pistils will die and turn brown. That is a seed forming when the calyx begins to swell.

Label everything so you can keep track of what each branch is a cross of.
Ordering some decent soil online, looks to be your best shot. Have you went to the promix or sunshine mix website under store locator? Maybe there is a place around that you don't know about that sells it.
walmart should still stock a better soil mix than mg
cactus soil!! also they sell perlite--peat moss- and a few other things- what do i need to make a fair replacement? and walmart does sell dirt!i looked at 20 differant types----my soil in my garden looked better
i googled walmart cannabis compost as im non US and its pulled up super soil sams choice and eko premium they seem to like super soil and perlite

"heres a mix option
My typical mix is:
40% organic soil
30% sphagnum moss
20% worm castings
10% perlite

I might adjust that if the organic soil has a lot of peat moss already in it. Sometimes I throw some sand in as well if the soil didn't have it pre-mixed. "
can i throw in a cup of worms?