Grow Room The cheap as chips 1lt 2²ft 12 plant mixed strain micro sog challenge thread ©

you have one growing sideways to hairy ? or as they say round here clean sideways :gary:maybe a good firm maybe they just getting in some seasonal workers on the cheap :shrug:but either way better the money in your back pocket than someone elses :2cents: if it leads to more work all the better,or at least first dibs on anything else that might pop up alls good :cool1:keep you outa trouble and off the girls backs for a bit at least.good luck pal :goodluck:
Spanglish :bow: just lovely job.theres nothing like spoiling yourself,and you gonna get to do that shortly.cant wait for the smoke reports,could need a spreadsheet for that to :crying:
rubber down bubble up
..............everyone thinks its rude but its rubber-tyres,bubble-a motorbikes windscreen :coffee:

Cheers for the kind words and tagging along pal as always has been a pleasure. Must admit i am pretty chuffed with the way it's looking to end up and even almost managed to impress myself this time :crying:

Been pretty slack on my smoke reports but really should try get up a few. Even made notes for AvT after last run then smoked it all before getting any nugs pics lol really am a useless twat :rofl: Looks to be Sour Blues first up for the chop then let the spoiling and spreadsheeting commence :smoking:

Well that's it:rofl: , two days here ,,, *5 days*L*S* six days archies cuppa tea, 1ltr_©*pot thread , I forget what I said where and when :vibe: at times ,,, :thumbsup:,,,cant wait to see your girls hit the cat walk :thumbsup:
Said it wasn't a crazy idea ,,,,, :rofl:

How about we do a shot size Pot Sog:yoinks: ,,you know you want to :pass:

Yes I got one pot sat on its side and trained it up and down :woohoo1: I was looking at vertical sog training so to use all the light like a cube :coffee:effect :thumbsup: I can picture it:thumbsup: hard to describe it ,,,

I have six photo plants in there on the slow burner , going to be scrogged :woohoo1:

I got my first cross babies coming up now:woohoo1: I need to make a nursery space and I have a couple more regular auto seeds of strains that I excited about ,to look for a nice male ,,

I got a couple intresting 2ltr pots that I been messing about with different training styles ,but only intresting in that I would have been better off lollypopping them ,,than all the hassle that went in to training , it's hard this reinventing the wheel stuff :thumbsup:
And sound thinking regarding job :toke: ,,,

I looking forward to getting the chance make some of my own t-shirt designs and prints :biggrin:.
Scene, works canteen ,,:crying:"that new guys a strange UN , he's been making tea bag and cuppa tea T-shirts all morning "


Gonna be loads of pics come harvest pal am planning individual photo shoots as they come down, missed not taking so many pics this run but with them all crammed in and being fed up with feeding just could not be assed with the hassle of getting them all out again, hence the videos but the pics are much more fun.

Nah not crazy, well slightly but all in all has been fun. Would love to see a shot glass SOG but that me done with more than a couple small pots for a while, might even be looking into Autopots once the shop is up and running as time really is gonna be at a premium, still time for one more run in big pots before that happens though by the looks of the speed things are moving but summer and kid on holiday to deal with first, thank feck it looks like i gonna have enough bud to see me through that :crying:

Think i can picture it kinda like a 3D open topped hollow cube like the light is shining into a box,no doubt with your training skills one day you gonna pull it off :worship::pass:

Best of luck with the little uns looks like there will some HairymanSeeds© tees hitting the presses in the future then :vibe:
But was it really two weeks, or did you just get so baked you been stuck in a vortex somewhere and was only really two days :dizzy::crying: Sounds like they pulling ya leg a bit but then again as long as your getting paid some work gotta be better than none, hopefully with all this two and throwing they interested and you get the job :goodluck:

Your way too kind pal and at the end of the day it was all about maxing out the space and there ain't to many round here who do it like you can :d5: we both got a shed load of bud out of it and has been a blast (barring the few times feeding has tested my sanity:rofl:) so we winners all around.

Take it easy pal and will look forward too seeing you whenever you can pop on and as always whats going on in the tent.

Hairyman really took like 400 hits of DMT and the last day and a half felt like 300 years lmao
You pictured it right :cheers: the micro sog is in planning and perhaps a micro hydro 1sq ft ,,


I keep saying i will save that last bud and get a pic, but rarely do ,,:biggrin:
Never had more sore abs than after mushroom trips, the laughing is the best part. But yeah, I thought they poisoned me and I was dying from the insides the next day, until I remembered why they must be so sore lol

Can't wait to find a strain of cannabis that can make me laugh that hard!
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Used to love me some mushies back in my late teens, were easy to get back then from any high street head shop or cheapest was through Ebay lol. Last time was about ten years back in Southern Spain when my mate got some furniture shipped over from the UK and had a mate stash some in it, ended up getting in the car about half hour after they kicked and headed up to the towns castle ruins, was tripping balls in the passenger seat and every car we passed i could swear was a cop car lights flashing and all, had a lovely chilled night after though just spending hours staring at the forever morphing colours of the sky along with the picture and animations created by the stars.

Fun times! My most memorable trip was one evening at sunset my friends wife dropped about 15 of us off on an island in Detroit Reservoir here in Oregon. I had eaten about 5 grams of them with dinner. Everyone else was between 3 and 5 grams as well. We covered every inch of the island that night on foot. No flashlights or phones (in 1998 who the hell had a cell phone in high school?). Just a backpack full of pepperoni sticks, beef jerky, beers, pellet gun, a hatchet and machete, a pipe, lighter, and a lot of weed. I really mainly don't remember much besides stopping and making a fire and getting severely inebriated. I do remember her picking us back up in the morning with the boat and all the rocks on the shoreline getting lapped at by the small waves were all rabbits heads getting ebbed and flooded over and over with water, and they were all laughing but gurgle drowning on the water while doing so, holy shit.