Indoor The Bubbatrouble in DWC show.


always learning.
Feb 13, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
granddy purp
Well here she is she was slow starting so kept it in til she started crawling around and in 21 hours she has went from 1 main root sticking out to total of 7 around the net. pH 6.03, temps in tent 76 humidity 51%. Shes in a 2 liter tub til more roots and bigger are out. She had 1/4 ml of all so far, rapid root, micro,grow,bloom general line of course. 1/4ml hydroguard, 1ml or piranha yesterday morning (Thursday) this is a week old total seedling, nutes were basically free (general line only/ full expert series setup). My first ever hydroponics, the black tote underneath will be her final home 7 gal. Pretty much the grow is for personal education and to show that u could spend few bucks get amazing genetics from USA and possibly have some badass personal jars of @Magic to enjoy. Monday her own @BigSm0 3500k cob will be her only light start to finish. Total cost so far is $188.39. (Enough nutes to do approx. 10 plants like this.) Shes 1" tall to date. Seems perky every morning so far. Germination in papertowel for 18 hrs tap root was 3/4" before taken to rapid rooter. Then 2 days in dark and in its mini hydrotank. Now 18/6 light schedule getting light from others in tent. Thanks again for reading and stay tuned to hopefully a great show. So I could accomplish this than any new person with patience and say $200 you could have some heaven of your own. Yes roots are hard to see but there.


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I'll be watching this one. Good luck, and speak right up with any questions you might have. There is a lot of knowledge lurking around here, just waiting to jump in and help!
Regards, Kyle
From what I've seen and been told this has never been done before with the Bubbatrouble strain. I will definitely ask some questions I'm sure. Thank patience is my strong suit.
Well pH holding at 6.03 for about 24hrs now, shes gain 3/8 of inch in her leaves since last night. Still holding up and prayers to green gods.


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Oh yeah roots have some little suckers coming from them a lot more also.