New Grower THC Percentage and effect


Cultivators Club
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
Alright...recently I've been told that certain varieties are not worth growing since "blank" variety is so much high of a thc percentage. Now here is my experience. Just because a variety is only listed as 12-16% thc is does not mean at all that the said variety grown correctly wont get you incredibly stoned. Think likely half of the jacked up percentages(20%+) are bullshit. Who regulates the testing? Who checks to see that the companies tests are legit?
I have grown plenty of normal thc strains that absolutely will get you very high. I can barely get through a joint of many 12% varieties, and I am certainly no lightweight. I've also grown many hightest varieties and often I find the strength to be comparable to lower test varieties. I think it has to do with how your receptors respond to the thc, as much as how high the thc percentage is.
Percentage isn't something I check before purchasing, or trust when I do see it .... or am able to confirm! I'm plenty happy assessing under criteria such as used in a smoke review and having that covered by comments/scoring on strength and effect from smokers.

I just checked Afghan Kush Ryder which is a favourite of mine and strong and found where it says;
THC Notes 22% - CBD: 1.2%...... then it says; Thc level High : 15% +......

I don't know what any of that means, but it's lovely strong weed!
I think the THC testing is not accurate enough because there are more than 1 chemical in the plant creating the effect it gives. Also the breeder gets to chose the nicest bud he can from the plant to have tested. The percentage is not going to be even thought out the plant. Its like picking the largest tomato off a plant and saying all the tomato's are going to weigh 2 LBs.
THC content isn't the be all and end all of highness. CBD/CB* work almost as multipliers, so if you have a THC-10% and a CBD-2% the combined interaction could be much greater.
THC content isn't the be all and end all of highness. CBD/CB* work almost as multipliers, so if you have a THC-10% and a CBD-2% the combined interaction could be much greater.

I'll totally verify that...I recently grew out barneys farm auto blue mammoth which is supposed to be 8-9% thc and 5-6%cbd, and its kicks anyone's ass that smokes it!