New Grower Test plants

Jan 19, 2015
Reaction score

For my first grow i have 3 royal haze queen seeds, now i have been doing research and more research and even more.

I have come to a crossroads with the nutes and i have decided to grow my first three in different ways:

1. add bio grow at week 2-3, then week 6-7 add bloom and continue with grow
2. add bio grow at week 2, then bloom at 4-5 with grow
3. add bio grow at week 2-3 then week 6-7 stop with grow and add bloom,

I do have all max and bio heaven which will be add through out the whole grow at 1-2ml per liter of soil, I have 11L pots so that would be 11-22ml per plant right?

If anyone could shed some light on what differences i will get from my plants that would be great or even if i should not bother.
Hola bro,

All depends on your plants really and how fast they are growing, but if you watch them they will tell you what stage they are at and what they need, also what type of soil you are using some soils come with enough nutes in to last a few weeks so if you feed them to early you run the risk of burning them, and other come with next to nothing in so if you dont feed them early enough they will start starving.

When the plants enter preflower stage you will see pistils and rapid growth, at the end of the preflower stage you will notice the growth slow and then stop this is when you will want to start to add the bloom to your feeds, you can add it earlier during the preflower stage which will finish the plant off a bit earlier but you will lose weight on your total yield.

I would skip the third option that you have there, as the grow and bloom are supposed to be used together as they both provide vital nutes needed for the plants, and when removing the grow from the feed you will starve the plants of some needed nutes.

The quantity of nutes to use is per liter of water used when feeding the plants and not the amount of soil, so this all depends on how much water is used.

Here is a link to some great info on Bio Bizz nutes

And in the same thread a tried and tested schedule (using light mix soil)

Best of luck on your grow and heres to a juicy harvest
:Sharing One:
Hola Amigo,

Thanks for the response so quick ive been stressing about feeding a nutes and water levels all days, i recieved all my nutes etc. yesturday and im very excited haha. I am using bio bizz light mix soil so i guess that would be enough for the first week or so for nutes.

Perfect just test one and two to do.

Right ok just to confirm then if i was to add grow to my plant and the schedule said to use 1ml and was using 1 liter of water I would only add 1ml of nutes,

In this case would you say it would be smart to make a 5l nutes juice for each stage, i.e. water&root juice&heaven, water&heaven&grow, water&heaven&grow&bloom?
Yeah bro, been where you are and it is exciting and growing your own weed is well just great. Good choice with the light mix gives you alot more control and removes the risk of overfeeding in early stages.

I am just into the second week on my grow using the same soil and she will be getting her first feed with grow nutes in a couple of days. Thats correct mate for every liter of water use the amount that the schedule shows for the stage, i like to mix my nutes a liter at a time and then feed and if its not enough water mix up another liter of the same.

Mix your nutes as you need them, not in advance as with Bio Bizz (cant say for other brands as i have never used them) they nutes will go bad once mixed even after a couple of days.

Most importantly, try not to over think things to much, leave her to grow and she will tell what and when she needs. You are in the right place, there is a great amount of info here and many friendly people here ready to guide you.
Thanks mate, i was starting to get a bit worried and concerned about over feeding or drowning, i recon i have a good idea of this now and i recon i am ready to start this, diving right in seems to be the only way, im going to soak my soil over night on friday and start sat.

You have helped me allot here thanks, i wish you all the best from all the ganja gods for your winter survivalist set up.
No problem buddy, happy to help. Thanks for the best wishes and heres back at ya, god i wish i was back in the south of Spain instead of the north, would be no need for winter survival then.

Catch you around bro, and any questions just ask.
I actually just thought of something to pick your brains with, with the nutes say i water them twice in the week i would only nute once, correct?
I would add nutes with every watering, if i was watering twice a week. Organic nutes like Bio Bizz are very forgiving and is hard to give to much when mixing correctly. So twice a week water and nutes would be no problem at all, just make sure your soil is dry inbetween watering so you get oxygen to the roots, for the first couple of weeks watering once a week should be enough and as she gets bigger you may need to give more.
you really are a godsend,

Now to get these babies out in the sun!!! ill keep you posted bro

Thanks again
:stylez rasta smoke: