Indoor temps?

  • Thread starter Thread starter PolazyDank
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What is the ideal temperature and humidity that I need to be having for when I grow?

btw it'll be under a 250w hps in a closet type space, which I intend on getting some fans for here and there.
I've read a gagillion sites about this question and the ranges vary from person-to-person / place-to-place, so I like to aim for 24c lights on and no less than 19 lights off and humidity I aim for 30-40% lights on and 40-60 lights off.

In late flowering, I try to lower humidity (IF I can) to the mid 20's as I believe this stresses the flowers and increases trichs (not everyone does but I'm the camp that does).

Temperature and humidity are more an effect of room temperatures and outside temperature than anything I can control.

If my room is 90 degrees and outside temperature is 90 degrees what can I do but go with it. I have no airconditioning in my grow room. This year my main hydro tank room is going to be shut down for the months of July and August because with all the lights and no air I just can't cool it to an ideal level. My biggest worry is on course the hydro temperature in my bubbly tank. It performs the best when it is below 75 degrees F. I run the bubbly ari pump with outside air at nighttime and air from a refrigerator during the day. Tank temperature is hard to keep down. Sometimes I just head to the suppermarket and buy ice to throw in.

Humidity is also hard to control. The air bubble through the tank put a lot of humidity into the grow room air. Exit fans just can't hold it down. Hot 90 degree days have outside air that holds a lot of water in it. How do you get rid of it? Without air conditioning you just don't.

Luckily pot plants have a wide range of temperature and humidity that they will accept and most survive through it. They are happy with room temperatures of 95 degrees and high humidity. They are happy at 45 degrees and relatively low humidity.