Indoor Temps... again

Dec 14, 2015
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i have a 1.2x1.2 tent with a 600w and a 6 inch Rvk l1. Last week or so been really struggling to keep the temp below 28. I kno the weather is warming up now but how does everyone else do this that recommend a 6" l1?
I venting through a door into my hall and the air always feels cold.
Fan Is plugged into the socket not a controller now to keep it full whack. And intake is sucking from a window.

Was on half speed until beginning of the week.

I have a dominater xxxl cool hood upswing as a reflector for light spread but not sure il get a fan on the end to cool it in my space. Also the glass is about 10mm thick so I'm abit reluctant.

Any ideas guys I'm near end of flower and getting spiky leaves now. Don't fancy turning down to 400w either
check out live stoners,someone just posted a ghetto cooler.
im on the other end of the heat spuctrum from you.
good luck
I can safely say a 1.2 grow Qube won't take a dominator with a fan attached let alone the glass, and the glass weighs a ton.

Back to the drawing board. I have a small 5" cool hood setup from before but just don't get the light spread. Ideally need to stick with the dominator as a reflector