Harvest & Curing Temp instructions, concern?


High as a Kite
Cultivators Club
May 21, 2021
Reaction score
I just bought some Grove bags for the first time.
I was reading the instructions and it says 60°- 70° for cure storage.
It also says, NEVER above 70°.
In my world no such place exists, it's either mid 70's house temp or a 45° refrigerator.
Do I bother using them, or stick to my jars?
above 70 terps start to degrade. the hotter it is the more your terps will degrade or leave the plant from my understanding of drying and curing. thats why they recommend under 70. i read else where some terps can degrade above 68 degrees F. Id invest in a window AC or portable AC unit. or ask in here to ths people who cure in there fridge to keep temps cold if thats not an a option. I know some ppl on here cure in the fridge.
i use a 4x4 grow tent to dry and cure in. portable ac to keeo temp to 61 degrees fahrenheit. a levoit hinidifier thats bluetooth so i can check or adjust on my phone and lets me know if tank is empty to add humidity. i set it at 60 and it turns on if it hits 55 rh and turns off at 65 rh. dehumidifer set to 60 rh. and ac infinity t6 inline fan kicks on if rh hits 62 and pulls air out of the tent and sucks fresh air in to drop the rh when needed. small fan to move air. i keeo temp and humidity in check during the dry. once curing i just keep temp in check. you spend all that time and money and work growing it. dont skimp out on the most important part. Your environment for harvest is crucial. if you cant afford an expensive set up ask others how to cure in a fridge. best of luck
I just bought some Grove bags for the first time.
I was reading the instructions and it says 60°- 70° for cure storage.
It also says, NEVER above 70°.
In my world no such place exists, it's either mid 70's house temp or a 45° refrigerator.
Do I bother using them, or stick to my jars?

I had/have the same concern. Guy who runs one of my local grow shops told me, changing the words a little bit:

People on the internet are crazy and dont live in the real world. If you can keep a lung room low/mid 70s youll be fine to dry in a tent and it will probably be higher quality than most if not all of the black/grey market weed you've sampled. Yes you start the technically lose some terps above 70F but dont let that discourage you. Grove bags at room temp are also fine for the cure.

This general sentiment is something I also heard from a good buddy who's into aquariums. The aquarium forum people make it seem like if you're .07% off on a measurement the whole tank gonna turn to sludge overnight, while the real world is much more forgiving.
I dry/store my grove bags at 50-60% RH and 72-75 deg F and do not notice a premature or accelerated loss of terpenes. You'll be fine. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Have you got a basement where you could find a dry corner? Unless it's too damp. Hang a basket underneath from the stairs leading down to the basement? Might be a sweet spot of temp/humidity if the basement is too wet. Just spitballing ideas for ya.

I agree with the above post. A couple degrees either way won't ruin it. I suspect they just don't want you to leave them in a 90f cars boot for a week and be surprised when you return to a bag of unpleasantness.

EDIT: If you had the same environment for glass jars and thought it fine, the bags will do a better job overall. Shouldn't be an issue.
I've heard of people buying wine coolers and placing it into brown paper bags to dry. Can keep it right in the sweet spot as far as temp range.

I'm guessing using grove bags and keeping them in there for storage after drying would work perfectly as well.

As others have said though. I keep my stuff in 1/4lb grove bags in a tote with holes in the lid in a room that's usually 70-75 and Ive had no issues or complaints about my stuff at all. Usually the opposite.
i also agree with everyone. most terpenes wont degrade until 100 degrees F. Just some of ths terps can degrade past 68 degrees F. Shouldnt impact you much.
I keep my house 72-74° all year round, it work's just fine for my mason jar cures. I was just curious/concerned why my Grove bag instructions, say NEVER above 70°, is the bag gonna swell up and explode? (yes I'm being sarcastic)
I'm still steaming over the $16 shipping for $9 worth of product that weighs 2 grams at most. These things better be Miracle workers IMO. Put 4 oz in the bag and it turns into 6oz, or some chit like that. :)