Indoor Teetee's 2020 Chrissy Crop

Day 4 to 11 - how I repot
  • Teetee

    Lost in Space
    Cultivators Club
    Jan 24, 2015
    Reaction score
    2020's been a bit of a crap year for most.... crazy viruses, lockdown, financial woes etc
    Luckily that bit of time at home in isolation meant I could spend more time on my grows and dial in my set up.

    20.8 ounces of hard, sticky, Auto Night Queen buds was the highlight of my last grow...

    A special plant, with more than twice the normal yield! Lockdown time well spent!

    As I rent this place, I am plagued by house inspections every 3 months.

    I'm sick of having to pull everything down mid grow, so seeing that the next inspection will be at the end of November, I sowed some more seeds at the end of August, so that they'd be ready before the next intrusion..... and dried and cured just in time for Christmas and the New Year!!!

    I started them the usual way, seeds straight into EC0.7 nutrient soaked Coco. Clingfilm over the top and into a box with a heatpad.
    100% success over 20 grows averaging 4 plants per grow.

    3 days later they popped through, and here they are on day 4.....

    As you can see, Dutch Passion 'Night Queen' (as always), Dinafem's 'Blue Amnesia' (also a big fav of mine), then there's Sweet Seeds 'Cream Mandarine XL' (that was part of a prize for winning AFN's Plant of the Month back in Nov 2017) and the unlabelled one is Dinafem's 'Cookie'. Read on and you'll see why the 'Cookie' is unlabelled and looking a little worse for wear......

    As always, there's some sort of ganja related cock up, this time, I got mixed up sowing my seeds, and like an idiot, I put 2 seeds in one pot, and none in another.

    I had it all set up, cups filled with wet Coco.... I planted the BA, put the pot down, got my Cookie seed, then couldn't remember which one had the BA in. Sod's law I picked the wrong cup up to plant the Cookie seed.

    BA popped out first, followed by the NQ and then the CM, but the 4th cup remained empty, I had a dig around and couldn't find the seed, so I planted another Cookie.

    Typically, the very next day, a 2nd seedling popped out in the Blue Amnesia cup, confirming my cock up.... I pulled it out and replanted it into another cup, and it took root. With all the handling, I probably damaged her very immature first leaves which is why she's looking a bit mashed in the pic above.

    So now I have 5 seedlings, BA, NQ, CM and 2 Cookies.... and not enough room in the tent to do them all to their full potential.

    Because of this stoney balls up, I'm not sure if the BA is actually a BA or if it's a Cookie.... I'll just have to wait and see.

    Earlier this year, I cocked up a couple of grows because I repotted them very late in the day. I rectified that problem on the last grow, and I wasn't gonna make the same mistake again.

    Right on time, on day 9, I moved the NQ, BA and CM into 25L airpots....



    The 2 Cookies were doing OK but as they were a little younger, I wanted to wait a couple of days so I could repot the best one and ditch the other.

    There was just enough room in the tent to squeeze them all in. Look at the size of the old Night Queen compared to the tiny sedlings

    (Daiquiri Lime in the background)

    On day 11 I repotted the original Cookie. I thought she had recovered from the transplant, and you never know... she might be a Blue Amnesia.

    You wanna be careful with Autos, any stress will slow them down, so if you need to repot them, you have to be quick and delicate.
    Here's how I do it...

    I get my 25L airpot and fill it with Coco. I make a hole for the new seedling using an empty Solo cup to shape it...

    I check the depth so that the seedling will sit at the correct height....

    Then I cut the bottom off the Solo cup, and run a slit up the side....

    .... pop it in the hole.....

    .... and pull the Solo cup out to leave the seedling in place.....

    .... then just pat the Coco down....

    .... and into the tent after a light feed.

    That seedling medium looked a bit dry - the Coco straight out of the bag was wetter!
    I would usually water the seedling 6 hours or so before repotting so that the Coco wouldn't fall apart during the transplant, but the Cookie was fine.... this method minimizes any root disturbance.... meaning less stress and no slow down in growth.

    There we are then... my 20th grow on the way, hopefully dried and cured just in time for Chrissy.
    Thanks for popping in!
    Catch up from day 39 -67
  • Crikey, I haven't updated this grow for a month!
    Last post was at day 39. Here's a reminder of how they were...
    clockwise from top left: Cookies, Night Queen, Cream Mandarine XL and Blue Amnesia XXL..

    By day 46 thay had pretty much filled out the width of the 1.2m x 1.2m tent.

    ....and again on day 61, the Cookies at the back left well into flower, with the BA (front left) also in fine shape.

    Here on day 67, you can see the CM (front right) having some sort of issue, and the NQ (bacl right) looking very moody.

    Back on day 46, the Cream Mandarine was looking OK....

    From above you can see flowering tips but she's perhaps a little pale in colour.

    From day 25, I was giving them all an EC 0.9 feed, and by day 31, I was noticing some changes in all of the plants leaves, so I checked the run off EC's and they were all coming out higher than the input EC 0.9.

    So on day 31, I dropped the feed EC to 0.7 and kept it that way till the run off EC's dropped below 0.7. That wasn't until day 41 for the Blue Amnesia and Night Queen, and day 45 for the Cookies and Cream Mandarine.

    On day 46 I started to give her and the Cookies a week of PK 13/14 at EC 0.8, then put them on an EC 0.7 feed again.

    This seemed to do the trick and by day 61 she was filling out nicely.....

    Still very pale, but there's been very little N going in what with the PK and everything...

    The main Cola is looking OK. I think the light's may be too low as the pistils on the tips are shorter than those below.
    She's smelling strongly of Mandarine so I'm happy.....

    By day 67 she's looking pretty rough.....

    ....but that's just the uppermost leaves. Underneath, she's looking good and green, and producing some nice bud. You can see what I mean about the pistills on the tip compared to further down....

    Here's a close up of some of that mandarine smelling grease....

    The Night Queen has been a fussy cow the whole way.
    Miserable, droopy and sulking there at the back while I continue to crow about her amazing predecessor.

    On day 46 you can see she's gonna be a big one....

    By day 65 she had grown a bit more, but still moody AF....

    Loads of flowering tips - a really bushy Girl, filling out her quarter of the tent....large.5fb5a088025e6_day61NQ2.JPG

    By day 67 she had shown slow progress. Most NQ's I've done have been of medium size and quick finishers.... and as you know, my last one was bigger and look a lot longer to finish.... I think this is another one of the 2nd phenos.....

    Her buds look very immature compared to the other plants......

    Cookies on day 46 and you can see she's very happy....

    She stretched nicely and shows great potential....

    You can see what I mean about her potential here. Day 61 and she's loading up with lovely sparkly buds...

    Plenty of long stems on her....

    ....and closer up you can see all that lovely frost....

    On day 67, the same day as that immature Night Queen cola pic above... you can see the Cookie's almost done....

    Nice long tapering candy canes....

    I'm looking forward to smoking this....

    Mostly milky with one or two ambers in there...

    Lastly the Blue Amnesia.
    She's another potentially big one, on day 46 she's looking pretty perky....large.5fb5a0239f078_day46BA4.JPG

    By day 61, you can see she has branched out to give loads of flowering tips....

    Plenty of action in there....

    By day 67 you can see the buds filling out, but also the effects of the low strength feeds have made her a bit pale...

    From above row upon row of heads....

    .... and despite the pale leaves, she's producing a good amount of rich blueberry smelling trichomes....

    That brings you upto day 67. Thanks for taking a look at what's been going on this last month.

    The grow is currently on day 85, the Cookie and Cream Mandarine are down, so I'll be back soon to show you how they turned out.
    Day 74 - Dinafem 'Cookies' is DONE!!!
  • Day 73 for the Dinafem 'Cookies'....

    As always with Dinafem gear, covered in sticky trichomes....



    So the next day (day 74) I took her out of the tent for a final photoshoot....

    Fron another side, you can see just how full of bud she is!

    And from above, a good spread.....

    She was easy to grow, very happy on a low EC (like 0.7, which is what I usually start off giving), but if I hadn't of pushed her up to 0.9 too early, maybe she would have taken a stronger feed in the end.

    Anyway, here's a last look at that main cola....

    There's gonna be plenty of scissor hash when I get chopping!

    ... and the trimmed leaves are gonna get bagged up and put in the freezer for when I make some Canna Coconut Oil....

    She's been hanging up in boxes for nearly 2 weeks, so tonight I'll probably be jarring her up.... I'll let you know how much she produced!
    Day 77 - Cream Mandarine is DONE!!!
  • Hot on the heels of the Cookies crop, Cream Mandarine - ready to chop on day 77.

    At first glance, not a pretty Girl by any stretch of the imagination...

    From above, she looks even worse, but look how many solid colas she's got there....

    Just the canopy in different light, but if you blur out the brown leaves, it's all fairly green underneath.

    Close up of the main cola, and you can see sticky buds...

    ... here's the other side....

    Further down the cola, the buds continue being solid and resinous...

    Remember, blur out the brown and she don't look too bad!

    The scissor hash was lovely... really nice taste and I'm hoping the cured bud will be delicious!

    I got a good amount off her in the end, I have 55 stems hanging in cardboard boxes, and they'll be ready to jar in about a week.
    Day 85 - Just the Blue Amnesia and Night Queen to go...
  • nute company actually says to give a plain water feed every 2nd or 3rd watering in coco
    That might be so they can justify selling their pH balancer?
    With Coco, generally if you use anything below EC 0.6 you risk washing out the pH buffers, plus you'll lose trichoderma etc.
    In the end you'll get pH issues. I would only use a plain water flush in emergencies and make sure it's pH 'd correctly.

    Day 83 and the grow continues. Just Blue Amnesia and Night Queen left.

    The Blue Amnesia is a big girl, so having more space with the other two down is perfect timing....

    From above you can see she has a lot to offer....

    Up close she's looking great....

    ... every cola's filling out nicely.....

    ... and it looks like she's just about done....

    Night Queen on the other hand is still playing up. She is also HUGE,,,,,

    .... with a massive amount of flowering tips.....

    ... but the buds are strange looking.... I thought they were purplish pistils at first, but close up they are discoloured leaf tips...

    There's plenty of frost, but not a huge amount of pistil action....

    I anticipate her going past 100 days, so last week I gave her PK 13/14 again and hope she perks up before I chop her down.

    So there you have it.... a lot of posts today, but you're up to date and I'm grateful for you to have read all this blurb!