Indoor Tangs auto questions

Dec 17, 2017
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Alright everyone,
Just trying to do some final reading up and prep.

Anyone using tangs auto schedule
Do you ph the water? Or is everything based on 7ph water? Misses has put my ph meter somewhere safe cough safe my arse cough.
pH Perfect is all about better chemistry (chelates) allowing better bioavailabilty, plant nutrient uptake, over a very wide range of pH. Adjusting pH is counter-productive; AN recommends against it; with adjustment just adding more salts/ppm, which at some point interferes with the pH Perfect chemistry. Particularly if you start with low salts/ppm, ideally RO or distilled, water and stick largely to AN's regimens, there is no need to check pH. I stopped checking pH years ago.

I've been using a simple TaNg-based (all AN pH Perfect bloom) regimen, using AN Connoisseur Bloom Coco (this is new, with generic/non-coco veg. and bloom long available). Seems to work better than using the Connoisseur Grow during veg. I see no deficiencies or excesses, and transition to bloom is seamless (while there was always some minor bump with some plants switching from veg. to bloom), with the plant having a chance to build-up some P and K reserves. I've seen absolutely no reason to go back to using Grow during vegetative phase.
Thanks for the reoly @bll
Im using different neuts canna a+b and pk
Will try it and see how it goes. Have made a callander will stick to it.