Lighting T5 bulbs?

Dec 17, 2012
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After some research I decided I am going to get a Bad boy T58 bulb set up. I am currently running 6 26W compacts on a power strip for thefirst 35 days of my grows and then move them to my 250W CFL and noticed I wouldbe almost doubling my lumens for only another 80W. I am planning on using mixedspectrum thinking 4 5400K for my blue but am un sure on my red. Has anyonenoticed a difference between the 2700k and the 3000k bulbs?
Sorry I'm new too in AFN , and dont want to told you silly things, but I'm happy when I see this topics.
I had a question about this topic a few days ago, but did not get an answer yet.
I searched a lot, and finally find T5 bulbs. I never see before only tube format. I'm really happy, couse I have a small box, and I cant work with tubes, only bulbs. T5 bulbs are less efficient? I dont know what the difference, but I think t5 tube is better, but continuing the thought t5 bulb are better than a simply cfl bulb. Am I right?
Sorry dude, dont want to spam your topics, but I think the topics title let me ask.
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After some research I decided I am going to get a Bad boy T58 bulb set up. I am currently running 6 26W compacts on a power strip for thefirst 35 days of my grows and then move them to my 250W CFL and noticed I wouldbe almost doubling my lumens for only another 80W. I am planning on using mixedspectrum thinking 4 5400K for my blue but am un sure on my red. Has anyonenoticed a difference between the 2700k and the 3000k bulbs?
I am using a 8bulb t5 with four 3000k and four 6500k.I used strait 6500k for veg and than went with mixed spectrom for flower.The difference from 2700k and 3000kk is not that much difference and either will work well. This is my first grow with the t5 setup and so far i am very pleased with the results.:smokebuds:
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T5s are great and Bad Boy is top-o-the-line 'round here. I also suggest mixed spectrum. Where are you buying from? Whatever their choices are for bulb temps should be fine. They'll have one flower and one veg and allow you to pick all of one or mixed of both. :D

I will be getting a Bad Boy 12 or 16 bulb for my setup in the Spring I hope.

Going to be getting it from Think I amgoing to use Lumax 54W bulbs a mixed spectrum most likely 4 5400K/ 2 2900K forveg and 4 2900K/ 2 5400K for bloom. Going to be a little while even after I getthe set up before I use it cuz I want to wait tell I get all my stuff for anall organic grow. I want an 8 bulb set up cuz it barley fits my closet with thedoor closed and I plan on getting another 8 bulb later and growing in a 5X5grow tent eventually.

I wish I could grow with 2 400W HPS lamps but I have no wayto vent the heat but so far CFL has done quiet well and I am impressed with it.I have not grew photo plants just autos under them and think there awesome. Mostof my grows are under 6 26W CFLs with no reflector in a bed room closet. Ithink using small pots around ½ gal has help me keep plants small enough for mylight set up. But now I want more andlarger plants.
How do you vent you air out and get fresh air in? :D

I live in an apartment on the third story and only have anAC unit in the living room. They won’t let me install one in any of the roomsand even if I could the way the breakers are tied in I can’t run my lights and2 AC units so I can only cool the room with the AC unit in the living room andit barley keeps my living space at 73-75 in the hotter parts of the summer.
i like the Maxlume 5400k and 2800k, personally. Any t5 bulb will work well though.

i think Squid was referring to exchanging stale air with fresh air, not necessarily talking about removing heat from the closet. Thats another thing to think about too...T5's dont produce anywhere near the amount of heat that an HID does, but they still produce heat. i have to keep small fans blowing on my bulbs at all times to keep the heat from building up and burning the tops of my plants