Switching Light sources mid grow

Oct 21, 2018
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Not sure if this has been asked before so I sorry if so. I currently am running a two tent setup with 9 autos in 3gal rain science bags in FFOF. Tent 1 has an Advanced LED XML650 and Tent 2 has A new 9 COB set up at 3500k that I bought from Timber Grow Lights. The first grow in tent 2 was just completed and the plants were very small but produced the hardest and densest nugs I've ever seen! The plants themselves were only about 18" tall.
The XML light has several grows under it and always produces 3ft plants with nice flowers too.

I'm wondering if I'm ok to veg from seed to preflower under the XML LED and then switch them to the COB tent for flower? Will this harm or kill my pl;ants or decrease yield?

Thank you to anyone who has input
Even with different light tech? I wonder if the different "type" of light will matter?
I usually start my plants with a 450watt CFL for Veg then switch to HPS for flower plants never even seem to notice

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run them both! you can not have too many lumens. if you think it's to much adjust height. :2cents: the sun gives them ALL the whole time, and indoors should be as close as you can get.
this veg/bloom switch I don't believe is a good thing. in my opinion. opinions are like assholes everybody has one.:cheers:
run them both! you can not have too many lumens. if you think it's to much adjust height. :2cents: the sun gives them ALL the whole time, and indoors should be as close as you can get.
this veg/bloom switch I don't believe is a good thing. in my opinion. opinions are like assholes everybody has one.:cheers:
I agree I always have my lights on full spectrum I don't bother with just turning on the veg when they're vegging and then turning the Bloom on when they start blooming I turn the whole light on
They are in two seperate tents, about 5 weeks apart. If I move them to the COB tent,I will start 9 new in the Advanced tent at the same time. I was just wondering if moving them to a different light type/source in mid grow would hurt them in any way or if anyone has done it