Indoor Switching from vegetative to flowering?



So I've been wondering lately how I will know it is time to switch from vegetative lighting to flowering lighting...yup I'm a noob but it's just something that's been bugging me. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Cheers all.
Assuming you're growing an auto since this wasn't posted in the photo forum... you don't switch the lighting. What strain are you running?
Do you mean switch the type of lighting or the lighting schedule? organicgrower is right about your need to change. If you mean the type of lighting...switch when the preflowers hairs are turning brown and all the nodes start to show their pistils.
If you're talking about the type of lighting, just use HPS from start to finish. IMO veg time is too short to worry about switching bulbs. That is if you're using HID lights.
It takes a few seconds to change bulbs, every penny counts, so why run your HPS the entire grow, when you could get the same quality with less watts?
Imho, I would use metal halides to veg and switch to hps 10 days or so after they show sex. That is if you are running 600 watts.

If you are running 400 and less, I would advise you to use a Ceramic Metal Halide bulb from the start and never switch it. It simply has more red than MH and more blue than HPS.
Do the research and you will see it is the only bulb you need, and it works on an HPS magnetic coil ballast only.
The only drawback is that most digital ballasts destroy it, so youre stuck to analog ballasts, and it only comes in two sizes (atleast the philips mastercolor retro hps) 250w and 400w.
Its quite cooler and keeps most of the heat around the bulb instead of "throwing" it down towards the plants.
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HA, I didn't even think that the OP meant switching bulbs. :eek:
HA, I didn't even think that the OP meant switching bulbs. :eek:

Well OG you don't have too switch bulbs...

I don't like MH very much so I only use them when I have to like rite now because all of my HPS lights are in a 20/4 room...

I put my Jack Herer clone in 12/12 yesterday and I've noticed that for the first 2 or so weeks they tend to stretch before settling so this is one of the only times that I like to use MH lighting because it tends too keep the stretch down...
Assuming you're growing an auto since this wasn't posted in the photo forum... you don't switch the lighting. What strain are you running?

Wondering when I should go from vegetative lighting to Flowering (red spectrum) lighting, I wont change the light regime though, yes they are autos. I am using CFL's and I have 2 Speed Devils and 2 La Divas. You can see them here on my thread I posted some pics today:

General info about the setup is also there.

Cheers OG

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------

Do you mean switch the type of lighting or the lighting schedule? organicgrower is right about your need to change. If you mean the type of lighting...switch when the preflowers hairs are turning brown and all the nodes start to show their pistils.

Yes I mean switching the type of lighting, I have one area for vegetative and an area for flowering...just wondering when the best time to move them to the flowering area. I wont be changing the lighting regime. Cheers for the info.

Have some info on my first grow here on my thread:

Feedback and advice appreciated.

Cheers Akers07

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------