New Grower Super soil

Jul 31, 2014
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Hey guys I been looking for super soil. I can't find it living on the east coast. Is there a different soil like it and just as good that I can use. I want to get away from th Ffof. Thanks
You could always look into making your own; the organic section has lots of recipes, some more elaborate than others. I made mine by buying some basic (no nutes added) topsoil, adding sand, coco coir, and perlite for water retention and air, then mixing in cow manure compost, mushroom compost, and earthworm castings and fortifying with some added nutrients. You could as a simple starter use my basic setup. I added a number of different nutrient additives like bone meal, azomite, etc. but a basic organic all purpose nutrient mixed in with those would get you a fairly strong starting soil that's fully organic and loaded up on nutes like ready to use super soils. Might want to consider adding dolomite lime to it as well as a basic pH regulator.

Just make sure to let it cook for a few weeks before planting (and consider buying some Myco and biological inoculate to add when planting for best results). It'll be too hot to use immediately after mixing.
I am going to be doing a 1 bag super soil recipe to cut cost and try it out. Don't want 8 bags worth of soil if I don't like it. Some of the supplies are a little expensive but they go a long way. I use the happy frog soil and like it. I mix it with about 15-20 % perlite cuz it has a problem with compacting after a while. I know its not cheep to get all the things for a super soil mix at first but most things like your lime, azomite, humic acid and Epsom salt will last you years once you get them. Also if you don't like your mix it is easy to modify for the next grow. I will be following the basic sub cool mix condensed for 1 bag at first but am sure I will be modifying it to suit my plants, grow time and growing environment. Remember just about every thing can be substituted too if you cant find or afford something. You don't need to start with a $15-$20 bag of soil for example. I have not mixed my first batch of super soil yet but have every thing except my soil and worm castings. I ordered every thing on line on ebay. I got full boxes of everything but you can find people who are selling just ounces instead of pounds of stuff to cut your initial cost and try it out. You can also buy kits on line that have every thing but the soil and worm castings but I would verify the quantity's just to be safe before mixing these.
Thanks Joe I will prob just get some soil seeing As we have a lot of what u listed here tanks