Outdoor Super Dry's Auto's Greenhouse Grow


Super Dry

Hey Folks

This is the first time I have grown outside or in a greenhouse.

To make things as easy as possible and to try and get 2 crops out of one season I have decided to grow some auto's I got in the Greenhouse

The Plants had 2 weeks from germination under a 400w M/H lamp, they were then put into 5 litre pots and 1x 11 litre pot. TD is in 11 litre pot

I germinated 3 of the Auto Seeds and 2 week later I used one of my Twin TD's as an added extra as the first 3 Autos looked like runts if I am honest :(

Cream Caramel
2011-04-22 001 017ed.JPG

2011-04-22 001 018ed.jpg

Fast Bud
2011-04-22 001 021ed.jpg
Not Looking Very Fast tbh, this plant was started the sametime as the other 2 small auto's and it looks as though it will take longer to finish. Just hope we get something

Th!nk D!fferent
2011-04-22 001 020ed.jpg

(This plant is a Twin TD, I got 2 plants from one seed and this is one of the Twin TD's)

I am hoping the TD makes up for those other Auto's. It is already looking promising as the TD is 2 weeks behind them and is already bigger :D

I think the Cold at nights is affecting them, I also think they need more light but we are only going to get as much as comes through the clouds :toke:
They all look really good so far. What are you using as far as soil and nutes go?
Cheers :D I was thinking the CC, SAD and FB looked slightly small, I grown auto's before indoors and these 3 arent even 50 cm tall, The TD has shot past them but I am not sure if that is due to warmer weather that the TD got for its first few weeks compared to the slightly colder weeks before that or not

I have them in Coco and I am using canna coco nutes and rhizo, think I am Lat 57 or 58 hehehe So that probably not helping
It's hard to tell what size your plants are from your photos but they do look healthy. Is there any way you can give them supplemental lighting inside the greenhouse? Or maybe move them back inside under 20/4.
Yeah I'd say there looking good for outdoors mate,are you uk? If you are then there looking sweet considering they weather we have had? I'm growing in a polytunnel and it's slow growing at the moment
No unfortunately I cant get anymore light on to them in the green house or the house, I am affraid. I am Not allowed in the house with them :( so I got to grow them where they are

I think due to the lack of sun they are roughly 2 - 3 weeks behind where they should be. They have been growing for 6 or 7 weeks and the TD is 4 or 5 weeks from seed also

tbh I will just be happy to get something from them as it is an uphill struggle growing in a G/house round these parts :D

I might be able to cut some of a tree down so that they get more sun but I will need to see how that goes
:D Thanks I wasnt sure if they were much good or not so thanks for the positive vibes

Just glad to get something growing outdoors, Never know it may end out the only way we get to grow :toke: So just in case we cant do it indoors no more I figured I best learn outdoors too

When it is a very hot day and nice for sitting out in, I have been moving the plants round the garden chasing the sun and when visitors come or it gets dark or if its rains the plants are put back in the G/house. On days when the weather is bad I have just been leaving the plants in the g/house and not been taking them out at all

The plants have been getting watered when the pots feel dry, as it is coco I am using it is very easy to tell when it is dry enough as the pot weighs next to nothing

I think I may need to reduce the amount of feed I am giving them. From 2.5ml per lt to 1.5 ml per lt as I can see tip burn starting

That sounds good. Make sure they get all the sunlight they can. Good grow karma sent your way.