Outdoor Super automatics - lowryder 2 hybrids ... 6 to 9ft tall

Nov 17, 2013
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17th july video:

Some auto-kush and magic dragon mixed in with nirvana sky and purple maroc style plants, I found a water hole in some bushes so i put them next to it and it's the easiest place ever, beacause 20 meters away, the shade of the forest looks like this:



Yes 35-37'C for over a month and 11mm of rain in 40 days. Weather from Africa coming straight over for 5 weeks straight, 25 degrees at night. South central France. WTF!!!

the roots are fed with manky pond water that seeps in from 2-3 feet down and the plants are very green. Since this year i have a new magic rule = Every plant i put out must be on top of a horse dung as big as a fist because it guarantees a 6' plant even in mineral soil, except in this place i hadn't figured that out so these plants are in straight unprepared sand, near a pond, with fertilizer on top afterwards.

The prophecy of the magical early giant automatic has promise in crossing early girl, purple maroc, and super auto's with regular auto's. if we can get both the early and later gene complexes mixed in the same plants, we can have 7ft tall plants that have THC starting in july. These were planted in mid may smaller than 12''.

There is another place in the mountains with twice as many plants of much variety, we will be receiving some more video reports via from our reporters on the ground shortly.


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I'm gonne need 10 stiff whiskies. after today's weather news. It has rained 19mm in 50 Days. and is not going to rain for then next 2 weeks they reckon. all 37 and 38. normal average is 120mm these last 60 days. i am getting 20mm. the subsoil is completely parched. my crop has been devided by 3 or 4. my superautos look all like regular autos and they are quitting and budding early. feeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuk la poussiiiiiiiieeeeee riideeeeuuuur trafik laight herbs le france.
time to buy a crate of le niol at 70% and get into cellar brewing.
I can't find any photos but i learn alot from this years grow... got in nearly a kilo in the end despite 60 days in the local sand caught under 35 degrees. sand loses water fast.

So what did i learn:

Any kind of flat zones hold alot more water than slopes, even a mountain slope that is greener in spring will be crap compared to a flat zone in a drought
Easy preperation rule: just get 1/2 - 1 litre of horse dung and mix it 50/50 in a ball under the plant. it will ensure 6ft tall plants in 60 days. doesnt compare to other kinds of amendments. always put dung.
When they are drought stressed but they have 2 month old roots going deep, the plants slowly convert their leaf mass to flowers, i had a 2 kilo plot where all the plants stopped at 6 foot tall, 2 months early, and just made 50 grams of flowers on every plant.
if you do plant on flowing water, you have hydroponics. you get stalks like a wrist at end of summer without watering.
caterpillars are more likely near water, and in september i had 2-3 plots with some bud eaten.
purple maroc is an awesome combination with super autos. Get stitch plants, purple maroc, mix them, there will be every kind of purple. it's nice when every plant is a different color, from lime green to grape red and everything in between. a huge furry velvety bud the color of wine is something unreal.

i had some mutants i took some pics will see. For next year i just did a frisian duck * unkown early variety, perhaps see if i can get frisian duck automatic some time.
Very interesting and informative .
I would have expected big yields from the plants in the video. Drought is a big problem when you can't get out to water regularly and that increases your risk of exposure. Your area gets some cooler nights, which slows down growth (can stunt my plants), but with much hotter days. Soil additive polymers may help maintain soil moisture for longer. My concern is that I don't beat down an obvious trail while watering but nature doesn't always help. Congrats on the colorful harvest.
Have some homeys bro that grow in Canada,they use the coco coir holds water hella maybe even a soil mix with that and some perlite would work no experience with it ,though my outdoor grows get a heavy dose of water ,no worry the man ,I live in Oregon and we got tuff dogs near the crop.