Outdoor Suitable Autofem for Netherlands



Hi Everyone,

I'm new to outdoor growing and autoflowers, but am very keen on getting to know both. I live in Maastricht (very south netherlands, latitude ~50) and would like to know which strains are best suited to this environment.

I am going to attempt to squeeze in three harvests this season and am already very interested in growing dutch passion Think Different and AutoMazar, but I want to know the realistic possibilities of growing outdoor here and if these strains are suitable.

Welcome to AFN. You should have no trouble growing just about any auto strain in your area. Dwarf strains will finish is about 10-12 weeks and the super autos will take a month of so longer. If you grow dwarfs and get them out early, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to do at least 2 full crops a year.
mijn Autoflowering Haze's zijn gemaakt voor de Nederlandse klimaat.:smokeit:
Thanks guys, that's good to hear! I have to add that I am English and don't speak (or read) Dutch, but google translate helped me there.

I just ordered my greenhouse (birthday present from Mum haha) and can't wait to get the girls in there. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with Think Different at first and maybe try some others out later in the season. LBH, I'd love to look at your strains but I don't know where to. Do you have a catalogue or something I can look at?

Here you go mate,you will find LBHs strains here at AFNs seed store,it also has many other strains from AFN breeders,top quality genetics at excellent prices mate:smokebuds:
Automatic Seed free seeds with every order too :jump:
Thanks! I just realised all this and someone had already come to help me. What a nice forum.
A great forum it is... Wouldn't it be be great to see more autos on some menus at coffeeshops too, hopefully the shops will see the potential and begin to seek out the growers of this wonderful 2month for their menus
It certainly would be good to see more autos on menus. I'd love to be able to try strains before growing them. Man I really can't wait to smoke my harvest, it's so nice when it's something you've never had before.
hi cannabist, did I tell you we have a store in maastricht? So it couldn't be easier to stock up man. You will get good potent weed from auto's where you are, and you will love growing them too !