New Grower Succesful first grow.

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you should be very proud nothing more satisfying than smoking your own kickass bud or growing for a love one's medicine :bighug: :d5:
you should be very proud nothing more satisfying than smoking your own kickass bud or growing for a love one's medicine :bighug: :d5:

Thanks buddy :D I just planted some auto ultimates this morning and i'm currently looking at your solo cup grows, I have a 600w led spare so i'm wondering whether i should give that a bash!
Thanks buddy :D I just planted some auto ultimates this morning and i'm currently looking at your solo cup grows, I have a 600w led spare so i'm wondering whether i should give that a bash!
if you have spare seeds i say give it ago i love solo cups there a great way of running lots of strains in small spaces or just so you end up with a few choices what your going to smoke as i love the fact i end up with my own little personal dispensary :d5: :bong:
The FIRSTS can be quite memorable in so many ways...glad yours was successful. Now comes the fun part...trying to improve which we all do.
As St. Tom said, it's more than a pot high ya get from rolling ya first joint or taking a first bong rip of your first bud.
My primary satisfaction was being able to furnish my own medicine and have for over 15 yrs. I too am a small pot grower so my tent will hold several so I have a to wake up, one to motivate, one to chill and one to knock my old ass out.
Knock yourself out!
if you have spare seeds i say give it ago i love solo cups there a great way of running lots of strains in small spaces or just so you end up with a few choices what your going to smoke as i love the fact i end up with my own little personal dispensary :d5: :bong:

I have a girls scout cookie and a few more auto ultimates spare so i'm contemplating the cookie! I got the cups today but i'm just waiting on some bio bizz soil to arrive so i can try it with that combined with bio bizz nutes. I'm going to try a few successful grows before i start messing around with different nutrients etc.
The FIRSTS can be quite memorable in so many ways...glad yours was successful. Now comes the fun part...trying to improve which we all do.
As St. Tom said, it's more than a pot high ya get from rolling ya first joint or taking a first bong rip of your first bud.
My primary satisfaction was being able to furnish my own medicine and have for over 15 yrs. I too am a small pot grower so my tent will hold several so I have a to wake up, one to motivate, one to chill and one to knock my old ass out.
Knock yourself out!

Sounds good buddy, i just like being able to improve and try and get bigger yields every time. I don't even need to smoke the stuff to find enjoyment in growing it. I will try my own stuff though in a week or two after it's had a couple of weeks curing.
Sounds good buddy, i just like being able to improve and try and get bigger yields every time. I don't even need to smoke the stuff to find enjoyment in growing it. I will try my own stuff though in a week or two after it's had a couple of weeks curing.
Patience and minor problems are where you hone skills. And of course, yo buds at AFN are always helpful. You're right, growing your own is so satisfying and then you get to burn the evidence.