Stunted? Slow grower?

Oct 25, 2022
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Sup growmies!
I’m on my second auto run ever.
I wanted to do some experimenting this go around with different mediums, transplanting, and topping since I didn’t do none of that my first run.

So to not potentially ruin some of my good beans, I decided to go with 3 freebies I had.
1 is a Sour Diesel freebie from MSNL, a Tricross from Atlas Seeds, and Sapphyre from Mutant Genetics.

They have all sprouted and are on their 2nd and 3rd weeks. (Sour Diesel is a week ahead of other two.)
So far they are doing well except my Sapphyre. She’s lagging behind compared to the two and just wanted to get some opinions on here to see if I should give her time to grow or uproot her and pop something else in her place instead?
Using FF Strawberry Fields mixed with FF Light Warrior.
Added Gaia Green all purpose, Bloom, and Mycorrhizae to the mix.
On a 20/4 light schedule.
Temp around 74°-79°F.
RH 60%-70%.
Been only misting lightly with spray bottle to keep top soil moist once to twice a day.
Soft water filtered through carbon filter at 6.5 PH.
Sup growmies!
I’m on my second auto run ever.
I wanted to do some experimenting this go around with different mediums, transplanting, and topping since I didn’t do none of that my first run.

So to not potentially ruin some of my good beans, I decided to go with 3 freebies I had.
1 is a Sour Diesel freebie from MSNL, a Tricross from Atlas Seeds, and Sapphyre from Mutant Genetics.

They have all sprouted and are on their 2nd and 3rd weeks. (Sour Diesel is a week ahead of other two.)
So far they are doing well except my Sapphyre. She’s lagging behind compared to the two and just wanted to get some opinions on here to see if I should give her time to grow or uproot her and pop something else in her place instead?
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They all look very healthy bro and a lot of the growth now is happening under ground with the roots ect so I'd just give them time also no plant especially different strains ever grow the same speed so she may explode in the next 2 weeks
They all look very healthy bro and a lot of the growth now is happening under ground with the roots ect so I'd just give them time also no plant especially different strains ever grow the same speed so she may explode in the next 2 weeks
That’s the thing when growing different strains, huh. Shouldn’t really compare one to another.
Yeah, I was thinking it might just be the genetics or a pheno where it’s a slower starter. I just had some doubts since she was still tiny than the rest.
Thanks for your input though, I’m definitely going to let her grow and do her thing!
Everything is looking good and it sounds like your on point with your grow. Probably just a slow starter or the runt of the lot. I really like your use of clothes pins for your plant tags. I think Ima borrow that idea :d5:

Do you have a grow journal going on here? Its a great way to get some feedback. If you do tag me and :goodluck: on your grow mate!
Everything is looking good and it sounds like your on point with your grow. Probably just a slow starter or the runt of the lot. I really like your use of clothes pins for your plant tags. I think Ima borrow that idea :d5:
Definitely looking like the runt of the lot for sure!
I have high hopes for it though. Wouldn’t be surprised if she hits a huge growth spurt later on.

Oh and the clothespins? Go right ahead!
Glad I could give you a new idea :tongue:
Do you have a grow journal going on here? Its a great way to get some feedback. If you do tag me and :goodluck: on your grow mate!
I don’t have one at the moment but that’s a great idea! Would be fun to put out a grow journal for a freebie run! :smoking:
All my grows this season started like this and eventually grew pretty decently through veg but still looked too young for its age. Then flower hit and now the plant is almost as tall as me and i have to stake the buds or they’ll fall over. Looks healthy to me
I always think mine are stunted during the first couple weeks :shrug:
…must resist blood meal…must resist blood meal…