Stunted growth? - New grower

Jan 30, 2022
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First time grower - My saplings are about 2 weeks out from breaking soil now but I haven't had any growth on them for the past week, they do seem a bit on the yellowish side to me. I also have a bit of a gnat problem hence the sticky pads pictured as well. My specs are below, let me know if I left anything else that may be needed. Any help is appreciated!

Problem: No growth for 1 week, possible yellowing

Medium/grow method: Soil: Black Gold Organic with 33% mix of perlite in 3 gallon fabric bags

Feed: and supplements used: No feed yet just water PH is ~6.3

water source: Tap, Originally not filtered but let the chlorine air out. I now have started filtering my water

Strain/age: Seed are ILGM - Super Lemon Haze autos

light used:Light: HLG 100 V2 4000K - kept around 24" from soil


RH is kept around 50-60% with a humidifier
Temp is kept around 70-75 degrees F
4" exhaust fun running on low

Additional info:
First week - 10 ML of water and a spray bottle to keep soil damp
Second week - 30 ML per day and spray to keep soil damp
Tent - Mars Hydro 3x3x6


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@Helloing :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: Are you sure about 2 weeks from first leaves above the ground? If so they are a bit slow. Raise the temperature to 80°F and keep the RH ~60%. Lower your light.

Fungus gnat larvae will eat your roots :yoinks: Get some Mosquito bits and mix with your water.

What is the PPM of your tap water?
They are for sure 2 weeks from first leaves above ground. I've dialed up the humidifier and it is keeping the RH around 60% now - I have a heater coming in today to hopefully get the temp up a little more. I lowered the light to 18" above soil.

Working on getting some mosquito bits. I am not sure what the PPM for my water is, I have ordered a meter to check it and will report back tomorrow.

Thanks a bunch for the help.
Just wanted to post an update - I am seeing some new growth finally however the yellowing seems to be getting worse.

I have also treated with mosquito bits but still seeing a few gnats around, how often should this treatment be done? The packaging says once per week so that was the frequency I was going to stick with.


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Was the soil real wet when you dropped the seeds? That would attract gnats and could cause damping off, the second pics to me look like the plants have damped off (basically means the roots drowned). It's different for coco but from my soil grows I know that if it's attracting gnats, it's too wet. And a small plant would never drink it up quick enough to get over it.
If this is the problem you'll wanna start over with new seeds unfortunately. Good luck though!
Just wanted to post an update - I am seeing some new growth finally however the yellowing seems to be getting worse.

I have also treated with mosquito bits but still seeing a few gnats around, how often should this treatment be done? The packaging says once per week so that was the frequency I was going to stick with.
Hello i would start a new seed as you prob stunted it you you may have a lot of probs with her as she grows as it looks like you drowned her and they dont like that much :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:Good luck if you carry on with her
if possible i would start fresh with new seeds and new media as you don't want to start your grow off with pests from the beginning I would even buy some light mix to start them off in even start them in solo cups and repot them soon as there a bit established as I don't think your seedlings like that media I also start all my girls off in solo cups
I feel like 10ml a day for the first week isn’t enough but that’s just me mate. I think your issue could be the soil though. Does not look airy
Mosquito bits and glue traps will take about 2 weeks to work, but very effective every time I've dealt with fungus gnats. The bits don't kill any of the ones you see flying around, but work great on the larvae in the soil which will quickly turn into ones you'll see. So it's basically a 2 prong attach, kill the babies with mosquito bits and catch the adults with the glue traps. Only need 1 or maybe 2 treatments usually. If you do start over, pretreat the soil with it, cover with glue traps and then plant when the problem is cleared up. Bugs are much easier to deal with preventatively then they are correctively and some IPM for your particular situation can be key. I use bits every grow at least once even when I'm not having any issues