STS reversed female now producing seeds?

Dec 18, 2018
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Hey folks,
Some time ago I reversed my female and got plenty of pollen. He/she is in a box with a bunch of other clones that are too be pollinated for seeds.

The reversed female is getting to the end of her life, there are some half decent looking leaves at the top and to my surprise I noticed she is building some seeds. Which is really appreciated!

So I am wondering whether this is common, it probably is, also will these seeds be any good since I reversed her, now she is reversing again I guess.

This is typical. It is called "selfing", and the seeds are called S1's.

its lovely, i didnt count on the reversed female, after having given me pollen, to do much else. But now she is giving me the most precious seeds I had hoped to obtain. Is there a downside to the S1?
If the seeds ripen they should be fine. I don't think you can always pull this off but it worked this time.
its lovely, i didnt count on the reversed female, after having given me pollen, to do much else. But now she is giving me the most precious seeds I had hoped to obtain. Is there a downside to the S1?
The s1 is about as close as you can get to a "pure bread" seed. There is always a chance for bazaar mutations at this point; the phenotypes are still unstable.because of random beneficial mutation and biodiversity being necessary for the plants genetic survival.

It requires several generations of selective breeding/cloning to stabilize the genetics. This is how breeders develope strains. It is also how they are able to offer seeds commercially. This is by no means an easy process.
Lucky for you you got free seeds for a strain you enjoy.
yeah im pretty psyched. i am trying to get some interesting seeds going overhere asap and as a by product i am getting some bonus beans! cant be complaining about that.
yeah im pretty psyched. i am trying to get some interesting seeds going overhere asap and as a by product i am getting some bonus beans! cant be complaining about that.
Pheno hunt time :) I don't know your set up or anything, but I would plant a few, see what you are working with genetics wise pick the strongest pheno and start cloning it. If it's a photo period that is, there's a bunch of controversy about cloning autos. I've never attempted to clone autos so I have no experience or opinion on the matter.

I may be wrong; but isn't hermaphrodite plants how you get feminized seeds?
Theoretically, a female has 2 x chromosomes and a male has 1x and 1 y chromosomes. If a female plant seeds it's self does it still get the y chromosome? Because all females have the potential to become hermaphrodites, is the y chromosome present in all plants?
Herms were a shortcut used years ago for femmed seeds. It is NOT the correct way to feminize seeds. That requires reversing with STS or CS.
What do you mean STS or CS? I haven't kept up with the feminization process since around 2005 so I'm not up to date with current practices.
Colloidal silver (CS) Silver thiosulfate solution (STS) herms begat herms. Herms need to be culled from the gene pool.