Live Stoners Stoned Smoke Report Lowryder #2


Gentleman Farmer
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hey All,
I'm fishing for my Stoned Smoke Report Badge. One is to post a smoke report in the live stoner thread, so here goes. It's for a first smoke of a new girl one has grown. Nice thing about this, it was my first ever grow, my first journal, and my first time smoking in decades! Never got a badge for it, so will re-post it here. Shouldn't be a time limit on a badge, eh? Since then I've had many, many grows. Link for my old grow journal is at the bottom.

It's funny looking back how unschooled I was at growing autos. I cringe when I read that journal, ugh. I've learned a lot since then, with experience and the help of AFN!

To write this report, I sat down with a stopwatch and pen, and started smoking, writing down my impressions. Cracks me up to read it now. I hadn't smoked in decades, so it was actually a little too intense, lol. I'm better now. Grins. Enjoy:

SeedBank : The Joint Doctor

Strain: Lowryder #2

Did it autoflower?: Y

Soil/hydro: 1 gallon to 5 gallon buckets. Sunshine Mix #1.

Nutes: 1/2 strength Fox Farms Grow Big

Light (kind and schedule): 90W UFOs. Lights 20 on, 4 off. Grown in a grow tent, indoors.

From seed to harvest date: 70 days

Dry Yield: Six plants got me 5 ounces. The largest was 45.95 grams from one plant.
High/Effect Duration:

For this smoke report, I sat with a notepad, pen and a timer, and wrote down my impressions as I smoked. This report is on a LR2 plant I harvested for a balanced high, so it was milky with some amber, maybe 20 percent.

Bag appeal was not bad, but somewhat leafy. The later-harvested plants were more dense. All plants had VERY sugary buds. The smell of the cured-for-a-month bud is odd. Not pleasant. Kind of menthol and pine, but not smelling pretty:no:.

I took 3 hits from a bong. The burning herb smelled faintly of burning leaves on an autumn day. I was told the exhale smelled like fuel.

Here's what I had in my notes I took while smoking:
It's a creeper at first. After 1 minute: buzzing/tingling in lower legs and feet. Continued to get quite a bit higher for the next 3 minutes.
Then tingling/buzzing in upper body as well.
Then for the next 35 minutes it was RACY! I'd forget to breathe at times, and my heart would start pounding! It was ragged and not pleasant. If one was prone to paranoia, then this would not have been good at all. My thought was to get through the heart-pounding-racy-feeling, and once I did it was more fun.
After 35 minutes it was well-balanced and relaxing. Thought was clear and happy, time was a bit jumpy but pleasant.
After 90 minutes a bit of a couch lock feeling, but nothing that kept me from robbing the fridge.
After 100 minutes the munchies kicked in strong. I found that I like root beer floats made with vanilla ice cream and peanut butter. :D
After 150 minutes it started to set me back down to earth. I'd have moments here and there where I felt normal, but then the high would hit again.
At 180 minutes I was again functional.
I never did get tired at the end, like I often do, which was kind of nice.

What I've found is that 2 hits on a pipe, and Lowryder 2 is fun, social, relaxing. Two hits on a bong, a bit more intense. However, 3 hits on a bong is too much Lowryder 2 in my opinion. Call me a lightweight, but I like it when I can remember to breathe. Ha!
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Thanks for the nice report,glad to hear you liked her.:slap:
Nice, I've grown and smoked this, just wished I'd got that much per plant - it was an outdoor grow tho.

PS I don't know what happened with the badges but some of lost them (cough).