New Grower Stoned Noob’s Second MicroRun


Super noob
Cultivators Club
Jul 3, 2020
Reaction score

I got everything cleaned and ready for my second run today - strains are still undecided at the moment. Stepped my game up and I am using some ratchet hangers for my light, and stands underneath the pots for airflow. 1x 6 inch fan (cleaned it today) with a supplemental mini cob LED 4000k originally intended to be used as a shop light. I’ve got a 2 gallon rain science bag, a 1 gallon rain science bag and a 1 gallon fabric pot. Each of these has a small layer of clay pebbles in the bottom. I punched a fist sized hole in the middle of each container and lined it with 1 tsp of granular microbes. Then filled with plain soil no amendments as a seed starter. I will use coke bottles as humidity domes until seeds pop and shed helmets. The light is currently 22 inches from the containers - recommended distances are 18 inches for veg and 12 inches for bloom.

Tent- 2x2x5 mylar
Light - HLG 65 v2 4000k for veg (85 truewatts) HLG 100 (95 true watts) 3000K for bloom
Soil - roots organic original
Amendments - 15% clay pebbles , and “light dose” of root organic uprising GROW and a “light dose” of doctor earth pure gold 2-2-2- also half recommended dose of coconut calmag by homegrown bokashi
Microbes - Bigfoot granular Myco in the seedling root zone, and I will topdress with homegrown bokashi microbe oat blend every 2 weeks
Water - tap water 24 hour dechlorination , oxygenated w/ airpump and bubblesnake PH’d to 6.5-6.8 PPM 80
Nutes - root organic terp tea bloom, homegrown doctor earth 4-6-3, and homegrown bokashi coconut calmag supplement (watered in once a week)
Soil Cover - build a soil barley mulch straw (still need to order)

I watered the containers tonight heavily for a full saturation so I can hopefully not need to water for the first time until after the first true set of leaves have sprouted. Only towards the outside of container. This should be water only run until first week of bloom or preflower stage. I have a humidifier going in my bedroom, and my environment outside the tents is 60-65%RH / 72F - inside the tent is 62-67%RH / 77-79F.
Seems like I have everything dialed in and on point for this run. I’m excited for this one. Yes there is a plant in tent already, it’s a Crinkle Cut, and has its own journal already. It’s progress will not be logged here although it is present in the photos.

I will post another picture and update when seeds have sprouted. Cheers!


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Nice set up ya got their Ive heard of the HLG lights off the Dude Grows Show they sound like good lights.
Nice set up ya got their Ive heard of the HLG lights off the Dude Grows Show they sound like good lights.
These are working well for me in my small space - this one under the HLG100 right now


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Ok selections have been made and seeds are officially planted - I just bumped the heat up two degrees lol makes me feel better

420 FastBuds Auto AK47 in the fabric pot - described as lemony and piney, easy to grow
RocBud Purple Kong in 1 gallon rain science bag - GG4 (from clone) x Purple RocBerry - sounds amazing
RocBud Grape Mints #23 in 2 gallon rain science bag - Wedding Cake x Grape Rolex - my girlfriend selected this seed and planted it herself and she also helped me mix up the soil and amend it and helped me make some other choices in preparations so this one is officially her grow lol


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Day 3 for AK47 Day 2 for purple kong - which had a rough start but looks fine now
Grape mints has been replanted - first seed was unable to shed helmet and I did not intervene soon enough - the leaves inside were pulped from trapped moisture - chose a smaller seed this time maybe that will help ?
I only purchased one AK seed so I’m glad it’s looking great already - and the purple kong was a freebie and smallest runtiest looking seed - so that’s a win in my book they both look good
Not much happening yet , just misting the tent often because even though my bedroom has humidifier and is at 63-65% RH, my tent drops to 50% about every 4 hours with a fan going I assume it’s drying up the moisture but I want the airflow as well - lol we balance these things the best we can with what we got


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Day 9 purple kong - not very sturdy but still growing so I packed some clay pebbles around the base which is just sort of helping a little bit lol
Day 10 AK47 - coming along looks like it will be tall and the main cola will try to dominate the plant structure- just gonna let it grow natural - one mutant leaf spotted already
Day 2 grape mints - idk how this thing didn’t die it sat there 4 days doing nothing with premature cotelydon leaves or whatever and then magically opened up and shed more seed casing membrane which I could not see and started growing lol

my germination efforts have been severely affected by the erratic weather here where I live - in conclusion I will invest in a seed starter or warming mat for the future - I can break it out on cold days if needed

my root organic original bag of soil has birthed a fair amount of fungus gnats - I kill them when I see them but they are still here - I have let the pots go almost entirely dry they are still here - disappointing start I had high ambitions For this run - considering switching to eco thrive coco peralite mix and amending that instead since I’m indoors in small space it would help to have a more sterile environment - haven’t figured it all out yet but I will and being presented with new challenges just forces me to learn more about what I’mtrying to do here anyways


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