Old Reviews StickyPEN review


High Team
Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Bubble Dog ATM. Depends how I feel.
So Romeo and I were off on an adventure and where did we end up but our local head shop. We looked around some and behold what did we find but this magical device DSCF1370.jpgDSCF1366.jpg

This pen is awesome man :thumbs:

The starter kit comes with:
1 mouthpiece
2 heating chambers (each heats to a diff temp)
1 rechargeable battery
1 USB charger (for the stoner on the go)
1 dabber

Pretty simple to use.

We loaded up our BHO goodness and in seconds we were puff puff puffing away. No mess. Fast heating and ready to smoke. For someone who wants to stealth smoke this would be perfect IMO. The hit is hard n last about an hour or so.

We plan on smoking out of it more and this report was a right out of the pack toke report.
Thats badass! I have an inhalator.its about the size of a cigar case.Great for flowers but with the removable insert i doubt it'd be good for BHO or anythng other than Flowers.may I ask how much that was please? Looks frigin cool and Im planning on doing oils and BHO's n the like in the fairly near future.Thanks. :thread: :thumbs:
May have to convince Romeo that we need to try it out again tonight :smokebuds:
Heck yeah,I for one would really like to know how well it works over a month or two to be honest.Im diggin the price and the working of it.Looks like a sweet lil product.im rather broke since Im tryin to get a few things going atm.But for those really painful days I think that with a decent BHO run would be frigin perfect for me.Thanks :D
I love this thing. I can control my hit with it. Just load up the cup with as much or as little as you want and hold down the button hit it. Let of the button when ya have had enough. The element heats up crazy fast. Just remember to lock it up before you put it in your pocket. Hit the button five times and it blinks 3 times to let ya know its locked. If ya don't lock it up your just going to get your pocket stoned:roflcry:
Good find been lookin for one to put my bho n iso stuff in...seems right up my alley but no head shops here..I looked over the net for it found diff colors and a lot cheaper..found one on a site for 25 and eBay for 31 $ that is..will be gettin one soon. Good 1 R & J :smokebuds:
Oh we know we could have saved some cash if we would have ordered it online but our headshop warranties everything they sell. They are awesome about it. I know if I have a single problem with it they will make it right.
It's good u can go somewhere n get the info u need on it if I found it here at the price u bought it at I would of jumped on it too..are you only using wax? Have you tried some more oily hash, shatter or finger/scissor hash..?